November 7, 2012

The Pirate Bay remains blocked in Finland

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [„The Pirate Bay“ bleibt in Finnland weiterhin gesperrt |] The Pirate Bay (TPB) remains blocked in Finland as the Finnish Supreme Court has rejected ISP Elisa’s request to hear its appeal in the case filed by the Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Center (CIAPC) in May 2011. In […]

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July 2, 2008

France promotes the three-strike scheme in Europe

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) With France taking over the presidency of the European Union on 1 July 2008, the French Minister of Culture, Christine Albanel, wants to get a consensus in the fight against p2p downloading by translating the French model to the entire Europe. Christine Albane presented on 19 June […]

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January 28, 2009

Privacy and data protection in the Netherlands in 2008

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The year 2008 did not improve the course of privacy and data protection in the Netherlands. The public debate focused on data collection systems related to fundamental aspects of Dutch citizens’ lives, such as communications, health and movement. Unfortunately, there are no signs that concerns or incidental […]

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July 5, 2006

German experts think search engines should be monitored

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) During the workshop “The Rising Power of Search-Engines on the Internet: Impacts on Users, Media Policy, and Media Business” that took place in Berlin on 26-27 June 2006, the experts expressed the opinion that the search engines should be more regulated. Marcel Machill, a lecturer in journalism […]

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February 27, 2004

Major European companies into RFID-development

The European commercial interest in the development of spy-chips (RFIDs) is growing rapidly. Radio Frequency Identifiers are very small wireless chips that can be read without touching them. Intel and Siemens have just announced they will open an ‘RFID Technology Centre’ in Germany in March, near Munich. The companies wish to present ‘experience-able RFID-technology’, to […]

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January 12, 2011 · Blogs

Web blocking discussions in European Parliament reach critical stage

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Internetsperren: Diskussion im EP erreicht ihre entscheidende Phase |] The European Parliament is currently at a crucial stage in the discussions on the European Commission’s proposals on web blocking. The MEP in charge, Roberta Angelilli, has presented her draft report, other parliamentarians have until 20 January to […]

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June 18, 2014 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Turkish censorship – Swedish built, by royal appointment

The level of political support in Sweden for blocking, for blocking outside the rule of law and for the export of the filtering and blocking services of the Swedish internet filtering company NetClean is quite extraordinary. Domestically, Sweden has a chaotic “voluntary” web blocking scheme, whereby Internet providers block a range of websites on the […]

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July 4, 2007

OECD pushes for privacy co-operation

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A new framework has been agreed by the 30 members of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) regarding the co-operation in the enforcement of privacy laws, updating a 27 year old statement (OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data). The […]

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January 12, 2011

IPR Enforcement Plan: Blocking, filtering and monitoring via injunction

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Durchsetzungsrichtlinie bei IPR: Sperren, Filtern und Überwachen mittels Verfügung |] Just before Christmas, the European Commission published its report on the application of the IPR Enforcement Directive. The text, while written in fairly neutral terms, does subtly show the Commission’s plans for the enforcement of intellectual property […]

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July 5, 2006

Consultation launched by UK government on the controversial RIPA act

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) UK government has launched a consultation on codes of practice covering the implementation of its communications surveillance laws that, lately, have been largely debated on by privacy campaigners, internet service providers as well as security specialists. The UK Government has launched a public consultation on Part I […]

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January 12, 2011

Polish Supreme Court: All electronic press must be registered

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Polnischer Oberster Gerichtshof: Elektronische Presse muss registriert werden |] On 15 December 2010, in a cassation proceeding, the Polish Supreme Court decided that all electronic press in Poland must be registered. This decision goes along the line traced by its 2007 decision of the same substance, followed […]

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January 12, 2011

French law Loppsi 2 adopted by the General Assembly

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Französische Nationalversammlung: Loppsi 2-Gesetz angenommen |] The so-called Loppsi 2 law (loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la performance de la sécurité intérieure – law on guidelines and programming for the performance of internal security) was approved by the French General Assembly in its second reading on […]

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