May 23, 2012

Hearing at LIBE on ACTA

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Anhörung zu ACTA im LIBE Ausschuss |] On 16 May 2012, LIBE Rapporteur on ACTA, Mr. D. Droustas, hosted the event “the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) – Compatibility of ACTA with Fundamental Rights”. He welcomed the audience stating that European Parliament (EP)’s task policy is to overcome […]

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April 10, 2013 · Blogs

Licences for Europe: Request to broaden the discussions

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Licences for Europe: Die Diskussion muss breiter werden |] In December 2012, the European Commission announced a stakeholder dialogue to discuss innovative solution to improve cross-border access to online content. The stated aim of the initiative was to work with stakeholders on modernising copyright while the Commission […]

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July 4, 2013 · Blogs

The ACTA Archive

Today is the first anniversary of the rejection of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in the European Parliament – after months of debates, a large majority of Parliamentarians voted against the adoption. This is the perfect time to gather all documents that have ever been produced by EDRi on this Agreement, to recall who were […]

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November 4, 2009

ENDitorial: ACTA revealed, European ISPs might have a big problem

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: ACTA enthüllt, europäische Internet-Service-Provider dürften ein großes Problem haben |] Negotiations on the highly controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement have started in Seoul, South Korea. This week’s closed negotiations will focus on “enforcement in the digital environment.” Negotiators will be discussing the Internet provisions drafted by the […]

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November 20, 2013 · Blogs

Mapping The Public Domain – A Priority For France

On 7 November 2013, during the closing session of the “Transmission of culture during the digital era” event, Aurélie Filippetti, the French Minister of Culture and Communication, announced a R&D partnership between her ministry and the Open Knowledge Foundation France meant to create a French public domain calculator. The project will thus develop a tool […]

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December 4, 2013 · Blogs

ECJ Advocate General: Forcing ISPs To Block Websites Could Be Legal

The Austrian Supreme Court has sent a request to the European Court of Justice to clarify whether an ISP providing Internet access to those using an alleged illegal website was to be considered as an intermediary. It also asked for an interpretation of the EU rules on the content and procedure for the issuing of […]

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December 2, 2015 · Blogs

The Popcorn Time whack a mole continues

EDRi-gram previously reported that two Danish citizens were arrested and charged with “distributing information and instructions about illegal content” for publishing a website with information about the popular culture sharing tool Popcorn Time, which does not even contain links to infringing content. Now the content industry’s Dutch copyright enforcement body BREIN has pushed two Dutch […]

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September 7, 2016 · Blogs

What digital rights are at imminent risk? All of them.

Our civil rights in the digital environment are based on our rights to protect our personal security and data, our right to communicate freely, and our right for any restrictions to be necessary, predictable and proportionate. Every one of these rights is now under imminent threat.

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December 14, 2016 · Blogs

Google’s forgetful approach to the “right to be forgotten”

Google is unquestionably a pioneer with regard to transparency reporting in the online environment. It was among the first to demand more transparency regarding government restrictions on freedom of communication and access to user data. The company has continued to learn and refine its processes. It has produced a consistent methodology for the various types […]

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May 17, 2017 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Commissioners’ oath – a broken promise on fundamental rights

On 3 May, 2010, the entire European Commission travelled to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Strasbourg to, for the first time in the history of the Union, take an oath that included a solemn declaration to “respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in […]

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March 28, 2018 · Campaigns | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Proposed internet filter will strip citizens of their rights: Your action is needed!

Policy makers are working on the largest internet filter we’ve ever seen.

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January 16, 2019 · Blogs | Information democracy | Privacy and data protection | Disinformation and electoral interference | Equal access to the internet | Freedom of expression online

Digital rights as a security objective: Abuses and loss of trust

Violations of human rights online can pose a real threat to our societies, from election’s security to societal polarisation. In this series of blogposts, we explain how and why digital rights must be treated as a security objective. In this third and final blogpost, we discuss how digital rights violations can exacerbate breaches to the […]

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