May 23, 2012

Finland: Open WiFi owners are not liable for copyright infringement|

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Finnland: Betreiber offener W-Lans haften nicht für Urheberrechtsverstöße |] On 14 May 2012, a District Finish Court decided on the condition of open WiFi owners in respect to their liability for online copyright infringements. In a two-year long case brought to court by the anti-piracy group CIAPC […]

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June 28, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Re-Deconstructing upload filters proposal in the copyright Directive

This week we have published a new analysis of the proposal for upload filters in the Copyright Directive proposal. The paper is a new paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of relevant parts in the text adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (JURI Committee). The work complements our first analysis of the initial proposal by […]

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October 8, 2014 · Blogs

UK format shifting and parody copyright laws come into force

On 1 October 2014, new copyright regulations adding exceptions for personal copying, parody, and quotation came into force in the UK. The personal copying exception allows copying of purchased media for private use. This includes format shifting and backups. The exception doesn’t cover making copies for friends, family or making copies of media you do […]

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November 10, 2016 · Blogs

EU Copyright Directive – privatised censorship and filtering of free speech

The European Commission’s proposal on copyright attempts something very ambitious – two different measures that would restrict free speech, squeezed into a single article of a legislative proposal.

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September 11, 2019 · On the ground | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

The Netherlands, aim for a more ambitious copyright implementation!

All EU Member States are obliged to implement the newly adopted EU Copyright Directive, including its controversial Article 17. But how to interpret it, is up to them. In the Netherlands, there is currently a draft bill, which is unfortunately very disappointing. The government really needs to try much harder to protect the interests of […]

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May 5, 2010

German court decides Google's image search does not infringe copyright

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Google Image Suche verletzt laut BGH keine Urheberrechte |] On 29 April 2010, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled that Google’s image search did not infringe copyright. The ruling comes in a case filed by an artist because, at the introduction of her name, Google’s search engine […]

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November 17, 2010

Macedonia: New copyright law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neues Urheberrechtsgesetz in Mazedonien |] Prison sentences of up to five years for copyright infringement are projected in the new Law on Copyright and Related Rights adopted in September 2010 in Macedonia. With this law, which in addition to authors’ and artists’ rights also regulates the rights […]

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February 27, 2013 · Blogs

European copyright scholars: hyperlinking is not public communication

The Swedish Court of Appeal has referred to ECJ (European Court of Justice) a case involving the question of whether publishing a hyperlink to content can be considered a communication to the public and, implicitly, a breach of the creator’s copyright (in case the hyperlink is published without the author’s consent), under the European law. […]

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March 4, 2019 · Campaigns | Open letters | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

EDRi calls on MEPs to not rush the vote on the copyright Directive

Today, it came to our attention that the copyright Directive could be voted as soon as next week, during the first Plenary session of the European Parliament. Such a short time-frame can only be explained as an attempt to avoid further debate and the participation of concerned citizens ahead of the vote. We cannot accept […]

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August 12, 2015 · Blogs

Portugal: “Voluntary” agreement against copyright infringements

On 30 July 2015, copyright and related rights-holders associations, the General Inspection of Cultural Activities (IGAC), the Portuguese Consumer Directorate-General, the Portuguese Association of Telecom Operators, the organisation responsible for .pt domain registrations DNS.PT, the anti-“piracy” group MAPINET, advertising associations, and (unidentified) consumer associations agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at protecting copyright and […]

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September 9, 2015 · Blogs

Portugal: Privatised copyright law enforcement agreement now public

On 12 August 2015, EDRi-gram reported about a Portuguese “self-regulatory” agreement against alleged online infringements of copyright and related rights. The agreement has already entered into force and is now public, thanks to a Portuguese citizen who made a freedom of information request and successfully appealed its initial rejection before the Portuguese Commission on Access […]

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November 2, 2016 · Blogs

From Warsaw to London: United to #fixcopyright

At the end of October 2016 two major events related to internet freedoms took place: Copycamp and MozFest. EDRi participated in both conferences, engaging with activists to build the resistance against attacks on our digital freedoms.

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