June 3, 2024 · Blogs | Campaigns | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Open letter: The dangers of the May 2024 Council of the EU compromise proposal on EU CSAM

EDRi has signed the Global Encryption Coalition open letter in response to news of the Belgian Presidency’s latest compromise proposal, dated May 2024, on the Regulation on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA).

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February 27, 2008

French Police extends the Internet blacklist

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) French Internal Affairs Minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie, announced on 14 February 2008 new measures to fight against cybercrime, including extending the websites blacklist and pushing for computer online investigations, without the permission of the country of the hosting company. The Minister visited the Cybercrime Brigade that is located […]

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February 28, 2007

Increased Europol powers need increased data protection policies

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) considers that the changes on the legal basis of Europe’s police (Europol) proposed by the European Parliament meant to increase its powers have to be accompanied by proper data protection rules. The European Parliament has proposed changes that would […]

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February 10, 2021 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Wiretapping children’s private communications: Four sets of fundamental rights problems for children (and everyone else)

On 27 July 2020, the European Commission published a Communication on an EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM). As a long-term proposal is expected to be released by this summer, we review some of the fundamental rights issues posed by the initiatives that push for the scan of all private communications.

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March 1, 2006

German anonymiser service – now on pay

AN.ON, the German anonymiser service developed by the university of Dresden and the regional data protection authority of Schleswig Holstein, enabling its users to surf anonymously via a Java-webproxy has no more public funding this year. Although it will be possible for users to surf free via AN.ON, high performance services will be provided against […]

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June 27, 2012 · Blogs

Marielle Gallo MEP condemns the “soft-terrorism” of the anti-ACTA campaign

This interview was translated and republished with the kind permission of PCinpact. We have added our comments on some of the misinformation in Ms Gallo’s statements. See notes 1-6 at the end of the article. Marielle Gallo, who is a member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels, proposed a draft […]

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May 30, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Surveillance and data retention

Belgium Constitutional Court decision on the concept of incitement to terrorism

On the 15 March, the Constitutional Court of Belgium issued judgement 31/2018 on the action for the annulment of the law of 3 August 2016 containing various provisions in the fight against terrorism.

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September 14, 2020 · Highlights | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

EDRi with 25 organisations urge Parliament to protect journalists, doctors, lawyers, social services

Together with a coalition of 25 organisations and companies, EDRi urges members of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) to include strong procedural safeguards in the so called “E-Evidence Regulation”.

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November 25, 2020 · Blogs | Campaigns | Highlights | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

10,000 people demand a ban on biometric mass surveillance

Reclaim Your Face is a European movement to bring people’s voices into the discussion around the use of biometric data to monitor the population. Since its launch only two weeks ago, over 10,000 people have signed their support by adding their name to the call for transparency, red lines, and respect for humans in European uses of biometrics.

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July 6, 2022 · Blogs | On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

WFH – Watched from Home: Office 365 and workplace surveillance creep

In the past few years, the pandemic and the shift to working from home have bolstered the use of remote surveillance software to monitor employees. In 2020, global demand for employee monitoring software increased 108 per cent by April and 70 per cent by May 2020 compared to pre-pandemic times. At the same time, search engine queries for "How to monitor employees working from home" increased by 1,705 per cent in April and 652 per cent in May 2020 compared to the previous year.

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February 27, 2008

Note2be.com under investigation by CNIL

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Following several complaints and notifications, the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL) is investigating Note2be.com website created in January 2008 that was proposing pupils to grade and evaluate their teachers. The site encouraged pupils the give the name of the […]

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September 24, 2020 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Is surveilling children really protecting them? Our concerns on the interim CSAM regulation

On 27 July, the European Commission published a Communication on an EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The Communication indicated several worrying measures that could have devastating effects for your privacy online. The first of these measures is out now.

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