October 12, 2021

CPDP Conferences: Computers, Privacy & Data Protection

As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. Within an atmosphere of independence and mutual respect, CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, offering them an arena to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends. This unique multidisciplinary formula has served to make CPDP one of the leading data protection and privacy conferences in Europe and around the world.

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June 8, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Cross border access to data | Surveillance and data retention

Policing: Council of the European Union close to approving position on extended biometric data-sharing network

The Council of the European Union is close to reaching an agreement on its negotiating position on the 'Prüm II' Regulation, which would extend an existing police biometric data-sharing network to include facial images and offer the possibility for national authorities to open up their databases of "police records" for searches by other member states.

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October 14, 2020 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Q&A: EU’s top court rules that UK, French and Belgian mass surveillance regimes must respect privacy

The Court of Justice of the European Union issued judgments in three cases in the UK, France and Belgium. Privacy International answers some of the main questions.

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April 17, 2024 · Blogs | Campaigns | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Open letter: Mass surveillance and undermining encryption still on table in EU Council

Today, 17 April, EDRi, in a coalition with 50 civil society organisations and 26 individual experts, call on Member State representatives not to agree to the proposed EU Council position on the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Regulation whilst so many critical issues remain.

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December 15, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

EU: Data retention strikes back? Options for mass telecoms surveillance under discussion again

In June 2021 the European Commission sought the views of member states on ways to reintroduce the bulk retention of telecoms traffic, location and internet connection data on everyone in the EU. Responses from seven member states, published here, show a divergence of views on what data to retain and when, but a majority in favour of new EU legislation.

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June 26, 2024 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 26 June 2024

Summer seems to have finally arrived in Brussels, just in time for the heart of the EU to reel from the results of the European elections. Maybe having the sun will make it all bearable? Stay tuned as we test out this theory. We do have some positive news to share from the world of digital rights. Earlier this month, LinkedIn gave in to pressure from civil society and Digital Services Act (DSA) enforcers based on a complaint by EDRi and three partner organisations. The platform will no longer allow advertisers to target ads based on sensitive personal data from users. A big win for privacy! On a similar sunny note, EDRi and the Reclaim Your Face campaign were recently recognised as the Europe AI Policy Leader in Civil Society for our groundbreaking work advocating for a world free from biometric mass surveillance. Do you want to read more about the EDRi network’s impact on defending and advancing digital rights? Our 2023 Annual Report is out now for you to peruse!

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November 14, 2023 · Blogs | Campaigns | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

EU Parliament committee rejects mass scanning of private and encrypted communications

On 14th November, Members of the European Parliament’s ‘Civil Liberties’ committee voted against attempts from EU Home Affairs officials to roll out mass scanning of private and encrypted messages across Europe. It was a clear-cut vote, with a significant majority of MEPs supporting the proposed position.

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June 8, 2022 · Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

European Commission must uphold privacy, security and free expression by withdrawing new law, say civil society

In May, the European Commission proposed a new law: the CSA Regulation. If passed, this law would turn the internet into a space that is dangerous for everyone’s privacy, security and free expression. EDRi is one of 134 organisations calling instead for tailored, effective, rights-compliant and technically-feasible alternatives to tackle this grave issue.

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December 9, 2015 · Blogs

FAQ: Passenger Name Records (PNR)

The European Union will adopt soon a Directive on the long-term storage and use of “Passenger Name Records” (PNR) for the purpose of profiling individuals as possible serious criminals or terrorists.

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July 7, 2021 · Blogs | Highlights | On the ground | Publications | Open internet and inclusive technology | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

New EDRi report reveals depths of biometric mass surveillance in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland

In a new research report, EDRi reveals the shocking extent of unlawful biometric mass surveillance practices in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland which are taking over our public spaces like train stations, streets, and shops. The EU and its Member States must act now to set clear legal limits to these practices which create a state of permanent monitoring, profiling and tracking of people.

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September 22, 2021 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Inclusive technologies

Building a coalition for Digital Dignity

In 2020 EDRi started to build the ‘Digital Dignity Coalition’, a group of organisations and activists active at the EU level dedicated to upholding rights in digital spaces and resisting harmful uses of technology. We’ve been organising to understand and resist how technological practices differentiate, target and experiment on communities at the margins - this article sets out what we’ve done so far.

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July 4, 2023 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Profiling practices

Despite warning from lawyers, EU governments push for mass surveillance of our digital private lives

Whilst several EU governments are increasingly alert to why encryption is so important, the Council is split between those that are committed to upholding privacy and digital security in Europe, and those that aren’t. The latest draft Council text does not go anywhere near far enough to make scanning obligations targeted, despite clear warnings from their own lawyers.

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