March 27, 2019 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

EU Council Presidency outlines future counter-terrorism priorities

A note produced by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union sets out the EU’s response to terrorism since 2015. It highlights the main measures adopted and calls for a “reflection process on the way forward” in a number of areas including “interoperability and extended use of biometrics”; implementing the EU Passenger […]

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December 15, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Opinion on the Passenger Name Record CJEU case

In Case-817/19, Belgium’s Constitutional Court has asked the EU Court of Justice whether the PNR Directive (2016/681) is compatible with the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The hope must be that the Court will stand up for the rights of individuals, enforce the Charter of Fundamental Rights, and declare the PNR Directive (like the Data Retention Directive) to be fundamentally in breach of the Charter.

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September 22, 2010

Commissioner Malmström sets out her agenda to the European Parliament

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Kommissarin Malmström stellt ihre Agenda vor |] In a Committee meeting last week and in the Parliament’s plenary session this week, Commissioner Malmström has set out her vision on various upcoming issues in her portfolio. In the Committee, Malmström drew attention to the Communications on information sharing […]

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November 30, 2011

Two years into the Stockholm Programme: on the way to e-Fortress Europe?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zwei Jahre Stockholm Programm: Europa auf dem Weg zu einer elektronischen Festung? |] It has been two years now since the Stockholm Programme – a 5-year plan for Justice and Home Affairs – was adopted. On 24 November 2011, an experts’ and activists’ round table, organised in […]

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April 1, 2015 · Blogs

French filesharers to be banned from flying?

A proposed European Directive threatens the ability of French filesharers to use airlines. The problem is a new attempt to adopt a Directive on the collection and storage of “passenger name record” (PNR) data. The European Commission’s plan is for air travellers’ data to be used for profiling individuals, to guess if they are involved […]

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November 18, 2015 · Blogs

EU Parliament to vote on contentious anti-radicalisation Resolution

On 25 November 2015, the European Parliament is expected to vote on a controversial but important political statement, aimed at preventing terrorist radicalisation and the recruitment of EU citizens by terrorist organisations. Since June 2015, EDRi has been working hard with politicians and advisers to improve this timely political statement. Our objective has been to […]

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September 10, 2020 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection

ICAO mandates worldwide government surveillance of air travelers

Playing out the endgame we predicted last year of a two-decade campaign by the US government to establish a global regime of government surveillance of air travelers, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted an amendment to the Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation that will require each of the 193 state parties to that treaty — essentially every national government in the world — to require all airlines operating international flights to provide a designated government agency with complete mirror copies of all reservation records (“Passenger Name Records“) in a standard PNRGOV transmission format.

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March 26, 2008

Czechs became Trojan horses for new US visa waiver programme

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Czech Republic Interior Minister Ivan Langer and U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff signed on 26 February 2008 in Washington D.C. the Memorandum of Understanding which is the first step in introducing new electronic visa programme for all EU countries. In this Memorandum Czech authorities agreed to […]

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February 25, 2009

ENDitorial: Privacy in the Czech Republic – nothing to celebrate

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Privatsphäre in der Tschechischen Republik – kein Grund zum Feiern … |] For the third time the Council of Europe has proclaimed 28 January the European Data Protection Day. EDRi-member Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe) reminds that the safety of Czech citizens´ personal data is still seriously endangered. […]

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January 12, 2011

EU Commissioner criticises US for the data protection negotiations

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Verhandlungen zum Datenschutz: EU-Kommissarin kritisiert USA |] Following a meeting she had in December 2010 with US attorney general Eric Holder and Interior Minister Janet Napolitano, the EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding expressed her concern on what she believed to be a lack of interest of the […]

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September 21, 2011

Freedom not Fear: High time for European (digital) civil rights

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Freiheit statt Angst: Hochsaison für (digitale) Bürgerrechte in Europa |] European policy making has long been blind to the digital environment, ignoring the potentials of the Internet and the positive impact of the free flow of information in society. Over the last 10 years, an increasing number […]

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January 15, 2004

Data Dutch KLM passengers handed over to NASA

The US airline company Nothwest Airlines voluntarily handed over the personal data of possibly as much as 10 million US and European passengers to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Northwest Airlines has an alliance with the Dutch airline company KLM. The two companies have integrated their reservation systems and operate code-sharing flights from […]

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