20th anniversary
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Signal’s Meredith Whittaker voices EDRi’s concerns with the CSA Regulation
Meredith Whittaker, the President of the Signal Foundation, delivered the closing keynote speech at EDRi’s 20th-anniversary celebration in March 2023. The tech professional focused on the “recent spate of regulatory proposals and misguided tech fixes [like the EU’s Child Sexual Abuse Regulation] that offer false and surveillant solutions to complex social problems – solutions that always seem to lump the right to privacy in with malfeasance, and offer to address bad actions by eliminating privacy.”
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Shaping the next 20 years of digital rights in Europe
Last week we celebrated the 20th anniversary of EDRi, the European Digital Rights network, and its two decades of defending and promoting rights online and off. The digital rights movement has come a long way and we are at a crucial moment to shape our shared digital future for the better. The EU’s fundamental rights framework has been pivotal in our achievements so far, but it has never served everyone equally. How can we better equip Europe for the human rights challenges of the digital age?
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EDRi 2.0: The European Digital Rights network turns 20
This year, EDRi turns 20, marking two decades of building a movement of NGOs, experts, advocates, technologists, academics and impacted communities. Together, we have been defending and advancing digital rights across Europe. Read about our 20-year impact below and join us in celebrating our anniversary.
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