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Back to the Future: Activism, the copyright Directive and lessons for the present
The Copyright Directive marked a key moment in internet history. Civil society, and EDRi in particular, have reflected on the role we played in the political debate and what would that mean for future digital policy fights. In this blogpost, we look back to assess the success of the strategies we adopted and what are the takeaways we should keep in mind when challenging current human rights threats like chat control and facial recognition.
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EU elections – protecting our data to protect us from manipulation
The campaigns for the European Parliament elections that will take place on 23-27 May 2019 are well under-way. Since the last elections in 2014, much has changed in the way political campaigns are conducted. Central to these changes is the role played by our data.
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Public campaigns on digital rights: Mapping the needs
In February 2019, the Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) strategy meeting took place in Berlin. The meeting was the perfect occasion for experts, activists, and litigators from the broad digital and human rights movement to explore ways of working together and of levelling up the field.
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