data protection
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The lobby-tomy 3: who are lobbying?
Did you know that there are 340,000 dentists in Europe? And that they lobby about privacy? Who else lobbies? How do parties/groups create coalitions to persuade policy makers? What’s the mayor of Amsterdam doing in Brussels? In this blog on the privacy lobby we describe the different parties that are lobbying. The new European data […]
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Transatlantic coalition of civil society groups: Privacy Shield is not enough – renegotiation is needed
Today, EDRi joined forces with other 26 civil society organisations to send a letter to European leaders reviewing the “Privacy Shield” data-transfer agreement with a very specific message: this arrangement is not enough. The Privacy Shield is intended to allow companies to share data about customers across the Atlantic. Unfortunately, the Privacy Shield fails to […]
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The lobby-tomy 2: What was the lobbying about?
What do companies really think about privacy protection? Publicly everybody thinks privacy is important, but do they think the same thing behind closed doors? What were the hot issues during the lobby and did everybody treat privacy protection well? The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation so far because […]
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Data Protection Reform – Next stop: e-Privacy Directive
Did you think the data protection reform was finished? Think again. Once the agreement on the texts of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Directive for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEDP) was reached, the e-Privacy Directive took its place as the next piece of European Union (EU) law that will be reviewed. […]
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Data Protection Lobbyotomy Part 1: Influencing the Dutch government
The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation in Europe because the subject is very important and touches upon almost every aspect of our daily lives. Therefore, Bits of Freedom used the Dutch freedom of information act to ask the government to publicise all the lobby documents they received on […]
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EDRi co-hosts the Privacy Camp, 26 January 2016
In the run up to CPDP conference in Brussels, civil society groups met at the fifth annual Privacy Camp to exchange views and develop new strategies. This year’s conference took place under the title “The Multiple Ways of (De/Self)-Regulation: What is at stake for Human Rights?” and included various panels and speakers from around the […]
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What’s behind the shield? Unspinning the “privacy shield” spin
If there is a deal, why was nothing published? It is standard practice from the European Commission. When an agreement is reached, the Commission launches a press release, but not the actual agreement. In this way, the Commission can control the amount of information available to journalists and the general public. It then launches the […]
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European Commission defence of European rights sinks in an unsafe harbour
Following the decision of the European Court of Justice to overturn the EU/US “Safe Harbor” Agreement last year, EU/US negotiations have been ongoing to reach a new deal, which would facilitate transfer of data across the Atlantic. Having failed to reach an agreement before 1 February, the European Commission today announced plans to back down […]
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Why is Safe Harbour II such a challenge?
It seems baffling to many outside the Brussels bubble – and certainly our friends across the Atlantic – that reaching a revised Safe Harbour deal has proved so difficult. Part of the problem is Europe. The United States was able to negotiate a questionable deal with the EU to gain access to financial transaction data […]
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EDRi’s work in 2015
Information technology has a revolutionary impact on our society. It has boosted freedom of communication and democracy but has also led to new approaches to surveillance and is increasingly used to impose restrictions on fundamental rights. In the past year, we worked hard to ensure that your rights and freedoms in the online environment are […]
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Mozilla’s Open Web Fellowship 2016: Join EDRi’s team!
Mozilla’s Open Web Fellows programme, which was launched in 2015, is an international programme designed to link developers, engineers, technologists and programmers with civil society organisations around the world to help protect the Internet. For this second year of the programme, EDRi is proud to be the among the first European organisations to be chosen […]
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ECHR decision on workplace surveillance in
Altogether, this judgment is not the ECtHR’s finest hour – Steve Peers On 12 January 2016, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) handed down a new ruling regarding the electronic surveillance of employees by their employers (Bărbulescu v Romania). Applying a relatively permissive interpretation of the right to privacy, the Court did not establish […]
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