ePrivaqy Regulation
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Data retention, location data, cookie banners: the ePrivacy Regulation is coming
Besides cookies, the purpose of the ePrivacy Directive is to regulate a much wider area: it contains specific data protection provisions for electronic communications data, in particular content data, traffic metadata, and location data that accrues when using the internet or talking on the phone. Importantly, it also regulates if and to what extent public authorities can access this data: Article 15 of the Directive provides that restrictions of the data protection provisions need to constitute "a necessary, appropriate and proportionate measure within a democratic society to safeguard national security".
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ePrivacy strikes back
“And when we woke up, the ePrivacy Regulation was still there”, could be the EU bubble version of the famous micro-tale. Four years after the main text protecting privacy and confidentiality of people in the EU was proposed, Member States have finally given the green light to finalise the adoption. But, where will this lead us?
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Your ePrivacy is nobody else’s business
The right to privacy is a fundamental right for every individual, enshrined in international human rights treaties. This right is being particularly threatened by political and economic interests, which are having a deep impact on freedom of expression, democratic participation and personal security.
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