European parliament
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EDRi and members take EU decision-makers through 20 years of digital policy
This September, EDRi, Access Now and ARTICLE 19 took Parliamentarians through a rollercoaster ride of all things digital policy in the European Union. From the early internet and initial experiments in platform regulation, through more recent regulatory innovations, and finally to questions of security and surveillance, we shared a digital rights perspective of the good, the bad and the ugly of digital policy in the EU.
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European decision-makers accept petition signatures at Tech and Society Summit
Over 40,000 people supported our petition – also co-signed by more than 30 civil society organisations – urging EU decision-makers to support the people’s visions of positive digital futures. Seven Members of the European Parliament accepted the petition signatures at the civil-society hosted Tech and Society Summit in Brussels on October 1.
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CSAR: European Parliament rejects mass scanning of private messages. Here is why
On 22 November, the European Parliament officially adopted its position on the draft ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (CSAR). With strong support for this position from all seven European political groups, this marks a positive development for human rights in one of the most controversial draft European Union (EU) laws in recent memory.
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Activists come to Brussels to tell MEPs to ensure everyone’s digital security amid mass surveillance measures in CSA Regulation
Between 9 and 11 October, 23 Stop Scanning Me activists from 13 European countries travelled to Brussels. They were students, parents, lawyers, young activists, human rights defenders and technologists. They came on behalf of the 200,000 people who signed the movement petition to tell their EU representatives in the European Parliament that the CSA Regulation proposal must be rejected to prevent mass surveillance.
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Will the European Parliament walk the talk and protect journalists?
In a democratic society, where we rely on journalists to act as public watchdogs, we cannot have them worried about becoming a target of government-sanctioned spying.
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Open Letter: European Parliament must protect journalists and ban spyware in the European Media Freedom Act
As the European Parliament gets set to vote on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) next week, 80 civil society and journalists’ associations are calling on Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to ensure meaningful protection for journalists in the regulation by including a total ban on spyware.
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EU Parliament’s position on Directive combatting gender-based violence a step in the right direction, with some misses on protecting privacy
Last week, the European Parliament agreed to their final position on the directive on combatting violence against women and domestic violence. While the overall outcome is a positive step towards safeguarding the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people online, the EU failed once again to account for encryption as a key tool to protect the privacy of threatened groups.
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Civil liberties MEPs warn against undermining or circumventing encryption in CSAR
MEPs from the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee have thrown down the gauntlet with their amendments to one of the EU’s most controversial proposals: the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR). These amendments show a clear majority for fully protecting the integrity of encryption. Content warning: contains discussions of child sexual abuse and child sexual abuse material
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Open letter: e-Evidence package lacks appropriate safeguards, EU Parliament must reject it
Civil society, doctors, lawyers and journalists associations and internet service providers are calling on MEPs to reject the so-called “e-Evidence” package during the plenary vote on June 13 because the proposed system of cross-border access to data in criminal matters would severely undermine fundamental rights.
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Civil society urges European Parliament to protect people’s rights in the AI Act
In the run up to the AI Act vote in the European Parliament, civil society organisations call on the European Parliament to prioritise fundamental rights and protect people affected by artificial intelligence systems.
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#ProtectNotSurveil: EU must ban AI uses against people on the move
As the European Parliament regulates the most harmful AI technologies, a coalition of civil society calls on the EU to #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move.
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Back to the Future: Activism, the copyright Directive and lessons for the present
The Copyright Directive marked a key moment in internet history. Civil society, and EDRi in particular, have reflected on the role we played in the political debate and what would that mean for future digital policy fights. In this blogpost, we look back to assess the success of the strategies we adopted and what are the takeaways we should keep in mind when challenging current human rights threats like chat control and facial recognition.
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