intelligence services
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France’s highest court validates mass surveillance in the long term
On 21 April, the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative court, released its decision on mass telecom surveillance. EDRi's member La Quadrature du Net (LQDN) shares its first impressions on this disconcerting ruling which puts the European Union’s legal order at risk.
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Casual attitude in intelligence sharing is troubling
A recent report by Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service CTIVD shows that the Dutch secret services regularly violate the law when sharing intelligence with foreign services. For the sake of privacy and freedom of communication, it is crucial that data sharing safeguards are both tightened and more strictly enforced.
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Oversight Board report: Illegal surveillance of Danish citizens
The annual report from the Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) was published on 7 July 2017. Under Danish law, TET is tasked with overseeing the data collection and data processing practices of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) and the Danish Defence and Intelligence Service (DDIS). Both intelligence services operate mostly outside European Union […]
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Denmark: Weakening the oversight of intelligence services
A draft law to amend the data protection provisions of the law on the oversight of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) was submitted for public consultation in September 2016. In their consultation responses, several NGOs including EDRi member IT-Pol Denmark, as well as the Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) criticised the proposal. The […]
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Danish Defence Intelligence Service will get access to PNR data
Denmark does not take part in the EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive since Denmark has an opt-out from the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) area of the European Union. Instead, Denmark has a national PNR system which has been developed gradually on the legislative side since 2006. The practical implementation by Danish authorities has […]
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Special report: Poland’s secret services are still using and abusing telecom and Internet data
With almost two million requests for telecommunication data and more than two thousand requests for Internet data concerning Polish citizens in 2015, it is clear that the access to metadata in Poland by the country’s secret services is still out of control. Compared to 2014, the Polish Panoptykon Foundation found that the number of requests […]
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EU encourages cooperation between intelligence agencies
In the wake of the Paris attacks on 13 November 2015, the planning and implementation of measures taken in the name of fighting terrorism have been geared up on the EU level. After the publication of the Council of Europe report on foreign fighters, EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove stated on 7 December 2015 […]
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Finland: New surveillance law threatens fundamental rights
Finnish EDRi member Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi) is gravely concerned over a draft law on Internet surveillance. The bill that the country’s current government is in the process of preparing will grant the military and the Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo) the authority to conduct electronic mass surveillance for military and civilian intelligence purposes. On […]
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French surveillance bill pushed ahead despite massive criticism
On 19 March 2015, France proposed a new bill that would allow intelligence services to collect vast amounts of data, to tap phones and emails without permission from judges. The scope of application of the draft bill is extremely broad and covers the following ill-defined areas: National independence, territorial integrity and national defence Foreign policy […]
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Patriot Act à la française: France to legalise unlawful surveillance
In recent years, France has increasingly tightened its laws on crimes committed on the Internet. From the LOPPSI law voted in 2012 to the latest anti-terror law voted in November 2014, the bill on Intelligence announced on 19 March by the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, is fully consistent with a history of repressive Internet […]
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Finnish BB Awards to Commissioner Paatero, Police Board and Microsoft
On 31 January, EDRi-member Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi) presented the Finnish Big Brother Awards 2015. The Awards are based on a concept created by Privacy International in the UK. The tradition started in 1998 in London, and the awards are given in about a dozen countries annually. The goal is to draw attention to violations […]
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French Patriot Act: Do we really need more surveillance?
On 21 January, only two weeks after the attacks in Paris, the French government announced a big bundle of new security measures, a “general mobilisation against terrorism”. But does the country need more surveillance? France has introduced telecommunications data retention for communications more than ten years ago, it has extensive video surveillance and intelligence services […]
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