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EU moves one step closer to the world’s worst internet filtering law
In September 2016, the European Commission proposed legislation that would require the constant monitoring and filtering of virtually everything that is uploaded to the internet in Europe. Under the extreme rules proposed by the Commission in the Copyright Directive, uploads to the internet would need to be scanned to assess if any photo, video or […]
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Copyright Directive: Lead MEP partly deletes the “censorship machine”
Note: We have updated this article on 20 March 2017 eliminating mentions to the leak when it was no longer necessary and updating the number of amendments below. The rest of the analysis remains relevant and has not been modified. On 8 March, we were able to gain an insight into a leaked Draft Report […]
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Will the European Parliament ask Court whether ISDS is legal?
In a letter to the European Parliament, Dutch EDRi member Vrijschrift suggests the Parliament ask the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) whether the investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is compatible with the EU treaties. Vrijschrift points out that the ISDS in the trade agreement with Singapore would expose our privacy to interference, expose […]
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JURI Committee adopts disastrous Trade Secrets provisions
The proposed Trade Secrets Directive, previously reported in EDRi-gram, was adopted on 16 June by the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI). To put it briefly, this proposal would create a new pseudo-intellectual property right for businesses to protect information that is not covered by traditional intellectual property rights. Commercially sensitive information is now […]
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ENDitorial: From copywrong to copyright?
“I’ve got two 12-year-old criminals in my kitchen and that can’t be right” (Jonathan Worth, professional photographer) The first round of debates surrounding the copyright reform in the European Parliament are reaching their last stages. Pavel Svoboda’s report on Intellectual Property Right (IPR) enforcement was published on 19 May. The report contains a mixture of […]
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Parliament Committee adopts a disappointing position on TTIP
The European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted this morning a position on the planned “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union. “We are delighted with the campaigning activity surrounding this vote,” said Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital Rights. “It is clear that Europe’s citizens will […]
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Legal Affairs Committee: ISDS and IPR must be excluded from TTIP
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resolution in the European Parliament is coming to a conclusion. 16 April 2015 was the deadline for European Parliament committees to submit their opinions to the leading committee, the International Trade committee (INTA). EDRi-gram previously reported about the positive vote of the Civil Liberties Justice and Home Affairs […]
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Preparations for a comprehensive copyright reform in the EU Parliament: Document pool
In the field of EU copyright policy, there are two European Parliament own-initiative reports (which will become a non-binding non-legal resolution) which EDRi is following closely. Firstly, there is the report on the implementation of the so-called “InfoSoc Directive” by Julia Reda. This report analyses a Directive which contains core elements of EU copyright law, including […]
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TTIP Resolution: document pool
The European Parliament is going to adopt a Resolution on TTIP. A resolution is a political statement which does not have binding effects. However, a strong resolution from the Parliament could be a step in the right direction. The Committee on International Trade (INTA) was in charge of the dossier and was guided by Opinions […]
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