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Fighting for migrants’ data protection rights in the UK
Since 2014, the United Kingdon (UK) government has steadily rolled out policies to make the country a “hostile environment” for migrants, in the words of Prime Minister Theresa May.
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Control of sorts over personal data for UK healthcare patients
NHS Digital, the provider of data and IT systems for the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, has announced plans to roll out a new system by March 2018 as part of the national data opt-out. This is intended to allow patients to choose whether or not their personal identifiable data is used […]
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Scottish Government proposes a national ID database
The Scottish Government has run a consultation to use the National Health Service (NHS) Registry database as a means to connect citizens’ data and allow online logins. The proposal has similar characteristics to the plan to introduce an Identity Database in the United Kingdom which was abandoned in 2006. Campaigners and opposition parties have urged […]
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