online disinformation
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Not everything is allowed in politics: Upcoming political advertising legislation must introduce limits
In November 2021, the European Commission launched a proposal for a regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising. The document will place harmonised rules for more transparency of political advertising to facilitate the sector’s internal market. Now, it is the European Parliament’s turn, specifically the IMCO (Internal Market and Consumer Protection) Committee to lead the legislative process.
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Informing the Disinfo Debate: A Policy Guide for Protecting Human Rights
Today, 20 December 2021, EDRi, Access Now and Civil Liberties Union for Europe publish a joint report as a continuation of its 2018 predecessor, Informing the “Disinformation” Debate. The main outcome of this report is a set of policy recommendations addressed to the EU co-legislators focusing on: how to effectively mitigate fundamental rights risks that result from the manipulative methods deployed by large online platforms that exploit people’s vulnerabilities and their sensitive data; and how to combat disinformation in a manner that is fully compliant with fundamental rights standards.
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Cryptocurrency scammers flood Facebook users with manipulative ads
Scammers using fake Forbes articles and anti-EU disinformation as bait continue to target Facebook users across Europe, the EDRi member Metamorphosis Foundation has warned.
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Facebook fails political ads tests several times
On 28 June 2018, Facebook announced it had set forth a compulsory “Paid for by” feature, limiting anonymity by requiring to submit a valid ID and proof of residence. This had been introduced in reaction to a series of election interference in the past year through foreign political advertising on social media platforms.
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Civil society calls for evidence-based solutions to disinformation
Human and digital rights organisations Access Now, Civil Liberties Union for Europe and European Digital Rights (EDRi) published a joint report on 18 October 2018 evaluating the European Commission’s online disinformation and propaganda initiatives.
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Press Release: “Fake news” strategy needs to be based on real evidence, not assumption
Today, 26 April 2018, the European Commission adopted a Communication on “tackling online disinformation”. European Digital Rights (EDRi), The Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties) and Access Now will jointly respond by issuing a joint shadow report in the coming weeks.
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