Why should we vote in the EU elections?
What are your plans for the coming days? We have a suggestion: The European elections will take place – and it’s absolutely crucial to go and vote!

In the past, the EU has often defended our digital rights and freedoms. This was possible because the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) – who we, the EU citizens, elected to represent us in the EU decision-making – are open to hearing our concerns.

So, what exactly has the EU done for our digital rights?
The EU has possibly the best protection for citizens’ personal data: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This law was adopted thanks to some very dedicated European parliamentarians, and it enhances everyone’s rights, regardless of nationality, gender, economic status and so on. Since the GDPR came into effect, we now have for example the right to access our personal data a company or an organisation holds on us, the right to explanation and human intervention regarding automated decisions, and the right to object to profiling measures.
You can read more about your rights under the GDPR here: https://edri.org/a-guide-individuals-rights-under-gdpr/
Net neutrality
Europe has become a global standard-setter in the defence of the open, competitive and neutral internet. After a very long battle, and with the support of half a million people that responded to a public consultation, the principles that make the internet an open platform for change, freedom, and prosperity are upheld in the EU.
In June 2015, negotiations between the three European Union institutions led to new rules to safeguard net neutrality – the principle according to which everyone can communicate with everyone on the internet without discrimination. This principle was put at risk by the ambiguous, unbalanced EU Commission proposal, which would have undermined the way in which the internet functions. In 2016, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) was tasked with publishing guidelines to provide a common approach to implementing the Regulation in the EU Member States. In June 2016, BEREC published the draft guidelines that confirm strong protections for net neutrality and open internet.
In 2012, the MEPs voted against an international trade agreement called the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which, if concluded, would have likely resulted in online censorship. It would have had major implications for freedom of expression, access to culture and privacy, it will harm international trade and stifle innovation. Therefore, people decided to demonstrate and there were protests against this draft agreement in over 200 European cities calling for a rejection. In the end, the Parliament listened to the concerns of the people and voted against ACTA.
Protecting whisteblowers
Whistleblowers fight for transparency, democracy and the rule of law, reporting unlawful or improper conduct that undermine the public interest and our rights and freedoms. In 2017, the European Parliament called on legislation to protect whistleblowers, making a clear statement recognising the essential role of whistleblowers in our society. This Resolution started the process of putting into place effective protections for whistleblowers throughout the EU. In April 2019, the Parliament adopted the new Directive, which is still to be approved by the EU Council.
Your vote matters for digital rights
In many occasions, the EU Parliamentarians have stood for our rights and freedoms. It’s important that also the new EU Parliament will be a strong defender of our digital rights – because there are so many important fights coming up.
The European elections are one of the rare occasions where we can take our future and the future of Europe into our own hands. Your vote matters. Please go and vote for digital rights on 23-27 May!
You can find more information about the elections online, for example at https://www.european-elections.eu, https://www.thistimeimvoting.eu/ and https://www.howtovote.eu/.