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Eight challenges of opening the web
The Open Web Fellows programme is an international programme designed to link developers, engineers, technologists and programmers with civil society organisations around the world. This article is written by Sid Rao, the Open Web Fellow who is spending ten months with the EDRi office in Brussels, working in cooperation with us to safeguard the internet […]
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Social media as censors of public sphere: YouTube vs. Ombudsman
In early September 2016, a popular Norwegian writer got suspended from Facebook, on account of “child nudity”. The matter escalated into an international incident, involving Norway’s largest printed newspaper and the country’s prime minister. Finally the writer’s Facebook status was restored, the suspension was ended, and Facebook promised to do better.
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#1 Freedom to be different: How to defend yourself against tracking
Lee este artículo en español This is the first blogpost of our series dedicated to privacy, security and freedoms. In the next weeks, we will explain how your freedoms are under threat, and what you can do to fight back.
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Joint Referral Platform: no proof of diligent approach to terrorism
On 28 April 2016, EDRi asked the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG Home) to release more information about a new initiative announced in April 2016, the Joint Referral Platform. What we knew already (or thought we knew) The existence of the Joint Referral Platform was disclosed on 20 April […]
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TiSA leaks set alarm bells ringing
Read this in German. Despite the rumours and assertions by several Member States that Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is dead, the fight for safeguarding citizens’ rights and freedoms via so-called “trade agreements” is far from over. Now it is time to address the threat from the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). Just days […]
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Member in the Spotlight: Electronic Frontier Finland
Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi), is a Finnish digital rights organisation. It focuses on all kinds of digital rights issues including, but not limited to freedom of speech, privacy, cyber intelligence, information security, copyright, open data, and digital public services.
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ENDitorial: “Hate speech”: Who’s the German for hypocrisy
German interior minister Thomas De Maizière has a simple solution for “hate speech”. He believes that other people should stop it. He believes that someone (else) should do something. In particular, he is very keen that American internet companies should become much more involved in policing, suppressing and punishing what they consider to be “hate […]
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EU is now giving Google new monopolies
Originally published on The European Sting There is a lot of noise in the press and among lobbyists about an alleged hostility of the EU towards big American internet companies. Reality is more nuanced and more surprising – the policies appear to be hell-bent on giving Google new monopolies, to the detriment of European citizens […]
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Privacy Training Center empowers you to protect your online freedom
New non-profit organisation offers privacy workshops for everyone Most people know that surfing the internet has serious privacy implications. What many don’t know is how to protect themselves, their family, colleagues and friends. Meet the Privacy Training Center in Brussels the new not-for-profit training organisation. The PTC aims to fill the knowledge gap by providing […]
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EDRi invites you to the Big Brother Awards Belgium
On 6 October, the Belgian Big Brother Awards – a negative prize for the worst privacy abuser – will take place in Brussels. There are many other such award ceremonies around the globe, many of which are being organised by EDRi’s members. EDRi is proud to be one of the partners of the Belgian event, […]
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Commission’s proposal for a new Regulation on dual-use goods
In the upcoming weeks the Commission should release a proposal for a new Directive that will establish new rules related to the export of dual-use goods. Dual-use goods are defined as products and technology that can be used for civil purpose but also military applications. On 22 July Euractiv published a leaked proposal from the […]
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Your privacy, security and freedom online are in danger
We carry more intimate information on the devices in our pockets and on our wrists than most personal diaries. For instance, our browsing history alone can already tell a lot about us and who we are, where we are, what we do in our free time, our fears, our political views and our relationships. Unscrupulous […]
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