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Spotify gets fine of € 5 Million for GDPR violations
Following an EDRi member noyb complaint and litigation over inactivity, the Swedish Data Protection Authoirty (IMY) has issued a fine of 58 Mln Swedish Crown (about € 5 Million) against Spotify.
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Guarding health data privacy in Europe: The limits and challenges of current regulations
The GDPR demonstrates the capacity of the European Union to prioritise data protection and privacy. The collection and use of health data by private corporations makes privacy protections critically important. Taken together, the provided policy recommendations here create comprehensive steps forward.
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Encryption protects our rights, privacy is not a crime
End-to-end encryption is currently under attack by prosecutors and legislators in France, the EU, the UK and the US. We are asked to choose, as a society: do we accept a future in which our private mail and communication can be intercepted anytime, in which we are treated as potential suspects?
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Development of EU border police watchlist is “progressing well”
The development of a new watchlist for “identifying connections” between people seeking authorisation to travel to the EU and terrorist or criminal suspects is “progressing well”, according to a Europol report obtained by EDRi member Statewatch.
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Warnings from the UK: 24/7 racialised GPS surveillance
Campaigners assembled outside Capita PLC’s Annual General Meeting in the City of London on Thursday 11 May are contesting the outsourcing company’s £114m contract to deliver 24/7 GPS monitoring services, used by the Home Office to surveil people without British citizenship.
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EDRi-gram, 28 June 2023
Recent developments in crucial digital European Union regulations have raised many eyebrows as we see attempts to undermine human rights. 27 civil society organisations, including EDRi, stood against the use of people's sensitive information to target them with political messages online. 65 civil society and journalist associations also urged the Council of the European Union to ensure stronger safeguards to protect journalists in the European Media Freedom Act. In this edition, you can also read about how digital rights are a civic space issue and why privacy is not a crime.
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Digital rights for civil society and civil society for digital rights: how surveillance technologies shrink civic spaces
Digital technology has transformed civic spaces - online and offline. In our digital societies, characterised by injustice and power imbalances, technology contributes to shrinking civic spaces. And to defend civic spaces against surveillance, we need strong and resourced civil society organisations and movements.
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Civil liberties MEPs warn against undermining or circumventing encryption in CSAR
MEPs from the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee have thrown down the gauntlet with their amendments to one of the EU’s most controversial proposals: the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR). These amendments show a clear majority for fully protecting the integrity of encryption. Content warning: contains discussions of child sexual abuse and child sexual abuse material
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Online Safety Bill insecure: international organisations, academics and cyber experts urge UK government to protect encrypted messaging
EDRi, Open Rights Group and over 80 civil society organisations, academics and cyber experts from 23 countries have written to the UK government to raise the alarm about proposed powers in the Online Safety Bill.
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Open letter: EU Lawmakers must uphold human rights to privacy and free expression in the Political Ads Regulation
EDRi and 26 civil society organisations, voice our deep concern regarding the worrying developments related to the Regulation on the Targeting and Transparency of Political Advertising.
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Open letter: Improvements to the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation
EDRi has signed an open letter organised by consumer and civil society organisations to welcome the intention of the European Commission to improve the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation. We call on the Commission to ensure that the draft Regulation improves the efficiency of enforcement and ensures data subjects can exercise their rights in a fair, effective, and affordable manner.
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Open letter: The Council of European Union must protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the European Media Freedom Act
Civil society and journalist associations are calling on the Council of the European Union to reconsider its current position on the European Media Freedom Act, as stated in a recent compromise text. Instead, the Council must take steps to meaningfully protect journalists and their fundamental rights.
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