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Good news: Dutch secret services destroy unlawfully stored information on millions of innocent citizens
The secret services store information on millions of citizens that they are no longer by law allowed to have. EDRi member Bits of Freefom filed a complaint about this with the supervisor. The supervisor stated on June 15, 2022, that the data must be destroyed.
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Challenging the use of GPS tags to monitor asylum seekers in the UK
The latest rollout of GPS tags to monitor migrants is another step in creating a 'hostile environment' for asylum seekers in the UK.
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Mass surveillance of external travellers may go on, says EU’s highest court
On 21 June 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in case C-817/19 Ligue des droits humains from Belgium which challenged the validity of the Passenger Name Records (PNR) Directive. Regrettably, the PNR Directive as such was found to be compatible with the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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Digital rights for Europe’s youth
The biggest youth platform in the world is joining the Platform Power Coalition for a Digital Services Act that empowers young people. European Youth Forum will bring youth voices to the coalition, vindicating that digital rights are youth rights. Young people should be able to enjoy their digital environment without fearing privacy violations, discrimination or manipulation. Here is what you need to know about this alliance.
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The DSA should pave the way for systemic change
Today, 5 July, is a victorious day for human rights online as we embark on the next stage in our journey – real alternatives to the currently dominant surveillance business model. The European Parliament’s approval of the Digital Services Act (DSA) will bring many opportunities to limit the huge power Big Tech companies like Google, Meta (Facebook) and Amazon have over people and democracies. However, this regulation is only the first step in ensuring people’s rights online are protected, more work is needed for a better internet. Now, it is imperative that we see strong enforcement by regulatory authorities that will ensure the high human rights standards the new rules promise.
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Take a virtual look back with EDRi’s interactive Annual Report: How did the EDRi network protect your digital rights in 2021?
You know privacy matters but not sure what this means in practice? Do you sense much happened in Europe last year to challenge private and state actors abusing their power in the digital age? The pandemic has left you wondering what you can do to ensure technologies work for people? Then check out EDRi’s interactive 2021 Annual Report to better understand the challenges imposed on your digital rights, and how the EDRi network addressed them. Learn and engage with our strong community so we can enjoy an inclusive and equitable digital environment.
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Civil society groups urge EU Parliament to use all its powers to ensure Digital Markets Act enforcement has necessary resources
On June 28, EDRi and 16 civil society organisations urged the European Parliament to focus its attention on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) enforcement.
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Hooray! Bits of Freedom freed the data of millions of people from the clutches of the secret services!
The Complaints Department of the Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD), the Dutch supervisor of the secret services, ruled that EDRi member Bits of Freedom is right!
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Belgium’s data retention law must not undermine people’s right to privacy
Belgium's Parliament will soon vote on the draft law on the collection and retention of identification data and metadata in the electronic communications sector and the provision of such data to authorities. This draft law, as it is and if adopted without adequate adjustments, would pose a threat to people’s rights, such as the right to privacy and data protection, freedom of expression and information, press freedoms and professional secrecy guarantees, and would potentially set a dangerous precedent for other Member States.
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The European Commission threatens to undermine the core values of the free and open internet
On 8 June, 34 civil society organisations from 17 countries published a joint statement to raise their concerns with Commissioner Magreth Vestager’s and Commissioner Thierry Breton’s public statement to alter the regulatory framework underpinning the free and open internet.
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EDRi-gram, 8 June 2022
In this edition of the EDRi-gram, EDRi and over 70 civil society organisations and professional bodies urge the European Commission to withdraw the CSA Regulation and call for an alternative that is compatible with the European Union's fundamental rights. The European Commission needs to understand that playing with online privacy and security affects everyone, including the very children it is supposed to help. Join us in our efforts to protect encrypted communications, open internet spaces and online anonymity.
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The state of privacy at Dutch municipalities
EDRi member Bits of Freedom has done research on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)-compliance within the ten largest municipalities of the Netherlands. Unfortunately, most municipalities scored a failing grade, despite the fact that the GDPR has celebrated its fourth anniversary.
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