Position papers
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Protect Not Surveil position paper: Stop Europol’s expanding digital surveillance against migrants!
EDRi and the Protect Not Surveil coalition published position paper today to call for the rejection of the Europol reform. The proposed legislation would expand Europol’s surveillance powers, put lives at risk, and criminalise migrants and solidarity organisers.
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Position paper: GDPR enforcement done right
There is an urgent need to enhance legal certainty and prevent actions that undermine the effectiveness of and trust in GDPR enforcement. EDRi and Access Now have co-drafted a position paper on the EU Proposal for additional procedural rules concerning the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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Position Paper: Age verification can’t ‘childproof’ the internet
EDRi has published its policy paper on age verification to shed light on the risks of the widespread use of age verification and to chart out possible alternative solutions.
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The Cyber Resilience Act: How to make Europe more digitally resilient?
If the EU’s new Cyber Resilience Act truly wants to improve the EU’s digital security landscape, it must do more than introduce an industry certification scheme: true IT security requires long-term software support, transparent and safe vulnerability handling and disclosure, and an acknowledgment of the essential role of free and open software communities in Europe’s digitisation.
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EU’s proposed health data regulation ignores patients’ privacy rights
EDRi’s new position paper outlines how the European Commission’s proposal for a European Health Data Space, in an attempt to make use of people’s health data, would sabotage the rights of patients to make decisions about their private medical information.
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Network fee: the new attack on the open Internet
A major attack on net neutrality is currently underway at the EU level using the slogan "Fair Share". Under this term, the telecommunications industry wants to massively increase its profits. EDRi and epicenter.works have published a joint paper, supported by a total of nine NGOs, which summarises all the myths of the telecom industry on this topic and counter them with facts and arguments. Read more about paper in this article.
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Position Paper: State access to encrypted data
EDRi’s new policy paper on encryption highlights that our privacy and security must be strongly protected, keeping into account the recent policy developments on encryption and law enforcement. Trust in communication systems is vital for our lives and connections with others. This allows us to work, socialise, organise, express ourselves, and care for each other safely.
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Position paper: A safe internet for all – Upholding private and secure communications
Despite the importance of its goals, the European Union’s proposed Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR) will not only fail in its aims to protect young people, but it will also even harm those it wants to protect.
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New EU law amplifies risks of state over-reach and mass surveillance
The EDRi network published its position paper on the proposed Regulation on automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”). The European Commission’s Prüm II proposal fails to put in place vital safeguards designed to protect all of us from state overreach and authoritarian mass surveillance practices. In the worst case scenario, we may no longer be able to walk freely on our streets as the new law would treat large parts of the population as a criminal before proven otherwise.
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ENAR and EDRi join forces for diligent and restorative solutions to illegal content online
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and European Digital Rights (EDRi) joined forces to draw up some core principles in the fight against illegal content online. Our position paper springs both from the perspective of victims of racism and that of free speech and privacy protection.
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EDRi delivers paper on encryption workarounds and human rights
On 12 September, EDRi published the position paper “Encryption Workarounds: a digital rights perspective”. It was published in response to the European Commission’s expert consultation exercise around the Encryption Workarounds paper by Orin Kerr and Bruce Schneier.
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