2019: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help shaping a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to a private life, data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.

Below you can find a list of public consultations we find important for digital rights. We will update the list on an ongoing basis, adding our responses and other information that can help you get engaged.
Call for inputs on views on the impact of 5G on regulation, and to the role of regulation in enabling the 5G ecosystem
- Deadline 2 September 2019
Consultation from the Council of Europe on a draft Recommendation on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems
- Deadline 19 August 2019
Call for input on the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Work Programme 2020.
- Deadline: 23 April 2019
- EDRi’s response
Consultation for new guidelines on how to assess the proportionality of measures that limit privacy and data protection.
- Deadline: 4 April 2019
- EDRi’s response
Consultation for inputs to a proposal that seeks to make toys connected with smart watches safer for children.
- Deadline: 4 March 2019
Consultation on the interim evaluation of the programme on interoperability solutions for administrations, businesses and citizens.
- Deadline: 1 March 2019
Consultation on guidance on how data storage & processing services rules interact with EU data protection rules
- Deadline: 12 March 2019
Consultation on the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) draft text on emergency mutual assistance and languages
- Deadline: 20 February 2019
- EDRi’s response
Consultation on the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) draft text of provisions for a Second Additional Protocol
- Deadline: 8 October 2019
- EDRi’s response
You can find public consultations of importance to digital rights and EDRi’s responses from previous years here: