Preparations for a comprehensive copyright reform in the EU Parliament: Document pool

In the field of EU copyright policy, there are two European Parliament own-initiative reports (which will become a non-binding non-legal resolution) which EDRi is following closely. Firstly, there is the report on the implementation of the so-called “InfoSoc Directive” by Julia Reda. This report analyses a Directive which contains core elements of EU copyright law, including exceptions and limitations when using copyrighted material. It is generating input from different stakeholders and from different Committees in the European Parliament. EDRi is following every stage of the process and providing comments on the documents as they are published.
For the sake of transparency, and to allow interested parties to keep track of the developments, we have published below our analysis documents regarding the draft Report on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (2014/2256(INI)):
JURI Legal Affairs |
IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection |
CULT Culture and Education |
ITRE Industry, Research and Energy |
Draft ReportComment on Draft Report | Draft OpinionComment on Draft Opinion | Draft OpinionComment on Draft Opinion | Draft OpinionComment on Draft Opinion |
List of amendments (We will publish our voting recommendations here) | List of amendments with voting recommendations | List of amendments Voting recommendationsVoting recommendations on the compromise amendments | Deadline for amendments was 25 March.List of amendmentsSee also:EDRi voting recommendations on compromise amendmentsC4C voting recommendations on compromise amendmentsEDRi member recommendation on amendments
Report Adopted in JURI Committee on 16 June – Vote in Plenary next 9th July | Final Opinion (published 25-.03.2015) | Vote was on 16 April | Vote was on 14 AprilFinal Opinion adopted (Updated on 22 April) |
The Committee of Legal Affairs (JURI) is responsible for this dossier. The Committees of Culture and Education (CULT), Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) provide opinions and will submit a final set of amendments for a vote by the full Parliament.
To convince the lead Committee to modernise the copyright system in the EU, we still need to keep pushing. You can go to the consultation that Julia Reda has created and provide opinions on the report (see her own explanation of the report here). You can also email or call your MEPs in JURI to let them know your position. Our views on what needs to be done can be found in this briefing paper that EDRi has sent to MEPs in different Committees. Feel free to refer to that document (or download it and attach it in your email) so they can have a clear idea of what you support (assuming you agree with our analysis, of course!).
Secondly, there is the draft Report prepared by Pavel Svoboda related to the “enforcement of intellectual propriety rights”. This report deals with aspects of the ‘IPR Enforcement Directive’ and more specifically with the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee entitled ‘Towards a renewed consensus on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: An EU Action Plan’ (COM(2014)0392). The lead Committee of this report is also the Committee of Legal Affairs (JURI). The Committees of Culture and Education (CULT) and Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) are providing Opinions. We have prepared a briefing paper on this dossier as well, where you can find our proposals. As for the previous document for Julia Reda’s report, you can use it when you call or email your MEPs in the lead Committee. See below our analysis documents on this dossier!
JURI Legal Affairs |
IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection |
CULT Culture and Education |
Draft ReportEDRi’s comments on draft report | Draft Opinion | Draft Opinion |
List of amendments with EDRi’s voting recommendations and List of draft compromise amendments with EDRi’s voting recommendations | List of amendments with EDRi’s voting recommendations | |
Final Report adopted (UPDATE 12 June 2015) | Final Opinion (published 25-.03.2015) | List of amendments adopted |
For further information you can also consult our booklet on copyright. We also recommend having a look at the Report published by the United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Farida Shaheed.
For Twitter campaigns, use the #fixcopyright hashtag.
See below our infographic on both reports. Click on the image to see the full document.
Clicca qui per l’infografica in italiano.