Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Privacy Cafés launched to improve secure communications in the EP
Ever since the publication of documents from the Snowden archive, which indicate that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK Government Communications Headquarters (CGHQ) were behind the cyber-attacks on the European institutions, an improvement of the European Parliament’s IT security was to be expected. The report by Civil Liberties Committee Chair Claude Moraes on […]
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You can now become an official EDRi Supporter
You don’t have much time but you want to contribute to the fight for your rights and freedoms? We have launched a “Supporter” status for those motivated individuals who want to support our work for net neutrality, strong privacy protections and a reform of copyright rules in Europe. All the Supporters receive exclusive updates, and […]
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Turkish student sentenced for re-tweeting satirical news
A Turkish university student was sentenced for one year for re-tweeting a satirical article that appeared on “Zaytung”, a popular Turkish website which publishes false and satirical stories in a journalistic style. Meral Tutcali, a student in Anadolu University, was sentenced by the provincial court of Adana to one year in jail for “insulting a […]
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Digital Single Market: A missed opportunity
The European Commission (EC) published its Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy on 6 May 2015. EDRi is thoroughly studying the DSM strategy and its impacts on European citizens’ digital rights. A day before the official publication of the strategy, EDRi issued a press release expressing concerns based on the analysis of the leaked drafts (Draft Communication […]
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Digital Single Market: Will citizens be at the centre of the Commission’s plans?
PRESS RELEASE. The European Commission is expected to publish its Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy tomorrow, 6 May. Based on our analysis of the leaked drafts (Draft Communication and Evidence Note), the strategy is likely to include a number of points that raise concerns regarding, inter alia: Privatised law enforcement We have concerns regarding Commissions’ plans […]
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Open letter on intermediary liability protections in the digital single market
You can download the letter here (pdf). Open letter on intermediary liability protections in the digital single market April 27, 2015 Mr Andrus Ansip Vice-President, Digital Single Market European Commission Berlaymont 1049 Brussels Open letter on intermediary liability protections in the digital single market Dear Vice-President Ansip, As the European Commission (EC) considers action on intermediary […]
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Hungarian data retention case: ORG, PI & scholars file amicus briefs
EDRi member Open Rights Group (ORG), Privacy International and a group of internationally acknowledged experts filed amicus curiae briefs with the Hungarian Constitutional Court. The case has been brought by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) against two major service providers, in an attempt to force the Hungarian Constitutional Court to repeal the Hungarian Electronic […]
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Net Neutrality: Save The Internet relaunch
On 23 March 2015, the “trialogue” discussions between the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament on the “Telecommunications Single Market Regulation”, began. The negotiations cover proposals on net neutrality. To ensure that citizens’ concerns about the future of the open Internet are heard by the decision-makers involved in the […]
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Legal Affairs Committee: ISDS and IPR must be excluded from TTIP
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resolution in the European Parliament is coming to a conclusion. 16 April 2015 was the deadline for European Parliament committees to submit their opinions to the leading committee, the International Trade committee (INTA). EDRi-gram previously reported about the positive vote of the Civil Liberties Justice and Home Affairs […]
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French surveillance bill pushed ahead despite massive criticism
On 19 March 2015, France proposed a new bill that would allow intelligence services to collect vast amounts of data, to tap phones and emails without permission from judges. The scope of application of the draft bill is extremely broad and covers the following ill-defined areas: National independence, territorial integrity and national defence Foreign policy […]
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New Danish PNR system will rival the EU PNR Directive
For the second time in the parliamentary year 2014-15, the Danish government has made a legislative proposal for increased access to Passenger Name Records (PNR). The draft law, currently in public consultation, also sheds new light on the use of PNR data by Danish customs authorities. So far, the PNR discussion in Europe has mainly […]
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Non-US Twitter accounts now subject to EU Data Protection rules
On 17 April 2015, Twitter revised its privacy policy, explaining that it will change the location of processing of the account information of users outside the United States. On its website Twitter announced that the services for non-US users are now provided by its subsidiary based in Dublin, Ireland. Therefore, these accounts will no more […]
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