Alternatives to dominant digital services
Today, the internet is dominanted by a small handful of huge centralised online platforms that provide social networking, communications and other services to billions of people globally. Their business is harvesting our most intimte moments and monetise them by selling our attention to advertising companies, politicians, or anybody willing to pay for targeting us with their content. But another internet is possible: We advocate for the redecentralisation of the internet and fight for an public online space that is serving the people rather than big data business.
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Government bans TikTok (sort of), Facebook has a bad day in court, and civil society organisations mobilise against Big Tech
Read through the most interesting developments at the intersection of human rights and technology from the Netherlands. This is the third update in this series.
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Missing: people’s rights in the EU Digital Decade
In June 2023, the European Union (EU) will adopt its first report on the state of the ‘Digital Decade’ – a plan launched in 2022 with digitalisation targets for business, public services and people’s digital skills. The Digital Decade reads more like a business plan than a policy programme.
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Czech online state services without Google Analytics: thanks to IuRe
The Czech organisation Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe) sent an open letter to the Ministry of Health in June 2021. It was mainly about the vaccination system, but its impact is much bigger: many state websites are getting rid of Google Analytics and thus taking more account of user privacy.
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2023: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help shaping a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to a private life, data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.
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Everyone is on Mastodon now, but why?
Millions of people and organisations are flocking to Mastodon in the wake of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover. EDRi is among those who recently started using the decentralised and free social network. What does Mastodon do better, and why does it get digital rights groups all excited?
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Sign the open letter about the right to install any software on any device
More than 100 civil society organisations across sectors have already signed the open letter about “The universal right to install any software on any device”. In the European Week for Waste Reduction, you can now sign the letter as an individual.
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Digital rights for Europe’s youth
The biggest youth platform in the world is joining the Platform Power Coalition for a Digital Services Act that empowers young people. European Youth Forum will bring youth voices to the coalition, vindicating that digital rights are youth rights. Young people should be able to enjoy their digital environment without fearing privacy violations, discrimination or manipulation. Here is what you need to know about this alliance.
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Promoting human rights in the digital era
Digital technologies are part of everyday life, but we don’t know much about how they impact our rights. A Czech-Norwegian project aims to change this.
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2022: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!
Public consultations are an opportunity to influence future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help shaping a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to a private life, data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.
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DMA: European Parliament takes first steps towards limiting gatekeeper power and providing real choices for people
Today, the European Parliament has approved its position on the Digital Markets Act (DMA). While unfortunately, it scales down the DMA scope by limiting who will be considered a gatekeeper, the Parliament position adds a number of notable improvements from a digital rights perspective that help challenge digital gatekeepers’ overwhelming power.
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EU Parliament Takes First Step Towards a Fair and Interoperable Market
The EU’s Proposal for a Digital Market Act (DMA) is an attempt to create a fairer and more competitive market for online platforms in the EU. It sets out a standard for very large platforms, which act as gatekeepers between business users and end users. As gatekeepers “have substantial control over the access to, and are entrenched in digital markets,” the DMA sets out a list of dos and don'ts with which platforms will have to comply.
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Two steps forward, one step back: DMA must do more to free people from digital walled gardens
The European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) report on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) makes improvements to the DMA but also includes serious loopholes that need to be fixed in trilogue
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