Alternatives to dominant digital services
Today, the internet is dominanted by a small handful of huge centralised online platforms that provide social networking, communications and other services to billions of people globally. Their business is harvesting our most intimte moments and monetise them by selling our attention to advertising companies, politicians, or anybody willing to pay for targeting us with their content. But another internet is possible: We advocate for the redecentralisation of the internet and fight for an public online space that is serving the people rather than big data business.
Filter resources
BEREC workshop: Regulatory action by NRAs and consumer empowerment
On 29 May 2019, EDRi was invited to participate in a workshop of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) on the planned update of its Net Neutrality Guidelines. Thomas Lohninger from Austrian EDRi member and Jesper Lund from Danish EDRi member IT-Pol represented our network. Lund provided the following input to […]
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Google-Huawei case highlights the importance of free software
Google denies the Chinese IT giant Huawei access to Google’s proprietary components of the Android mobile operating system, which threatens IT security. This highlights the importance of free software for technology users, public bodies, and businesses.
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Closed-doors discussions to filter the internet continue
On 12 September 2018, the European Parliament (EP) adopted the worst imaginable amendments to the copyright Directive proposal.
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ENDitorial: YouTube puts uploaders, viewers & itself in a tough position
A pattern is emerging. After blocking a controversial video, YouTube nonpologises for doing so, and reinstates the video... just to block it again a few months later. The procedures around content moderation need to improve, but that's not all: more needs to change.
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What’s next for Europe’s internet censorship plan?
Existing copyright filters (like YouTube's ContentID system) are set up to block people who attract too many copyright complaints, but what about people who make false copyright claims? The platforms must be allowed to terminate access to the copyright filter system for those who repeatedly make false or inaccurate claims about which copyright works are theirs.
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EU Member States agree on monitoring & filtering of internet uploads
On 25 May, the European Council agreed to a negotiating position on the draft copyright directive. This will allow the presidency of the Council to start negotiations with the European Parliament on mass monitoring and filtering of internet uploads and a chaotic new “ancillary copyright” measure that will make it harder to link to and quote news sources.
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Internet protocols and human rights
Recently, a lot of thought has been devoted to the issue of human rights and internet protocols.
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Council of Europe takes world-leading step towards protecting online rights
Today, on 7 March 2018, the Council of Europe (CoE), Europe's leading human rights organisation, adopted a Recommendation on the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries that will have a global impact. (The final, almost identical version will be online in a few days.)
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Don’t make your community Facebook-dependent!
Facebook is to invest tens of millions in “community leaders” – on the condition that the community leader uses the “Facebook family of apps and services”. EDRi member Bits of Freedom argues for reducing the role of Facebook in your community.
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New patent law on software threatens innovation
Current European patent law does not allow for patents on software, much to the dismay of large IT-companies like IBM, Intel and Cisco. In February 2002, The European Commission published a draft patent law directive that will be dealt with in a co-decision procedure with the European Parliament. The proposed text clearly reflects the strong […]
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