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EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Data retention news
On Wednesday 13 April the Dutch news agency ANP broke the news that the European Council of Justice and Home Affairs had definitely withdrawn the data retention proposal from their schedule and would wait for a proper 1st pillar proposal from the European Commission, following devastating legal advice from both the Commission as well as […]
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French minister demands compulsory biometric ID card
The French minister of the Interior Dominique de Villepin has announced plans to force every Frenchman to buy a new electronic ID card with a chip containing photograph and fingerprints. On 11 April the French government outlined its plan to introduce biometrics on passports by 2006 and on ID cards by 2007. In an interview […]
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European Privacy developments at CFP05
European privacy developments and counter strategies from civil society was one of the topics at the annual US privacy conference, Computers, Freedoms and Privacy (CFP), last week in Seattle. During the specific debate devoted to developments in Europe it became clear that while EU countries used to be known for their strong privacy legislation and […]
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EDRI statement at WIPO Development Agenda meeting (IIM)
After signing an international petition urging the WIPO to open its doors to non-governmental organisations for the important debates on developing an alternative development agenda, European Digital Rights was awarded last-minute ad hoc accreditation on 11 April 2005. The German DRM-expert Volker Grassmuck was able to make a statement on behalf of EDRI during a […]
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Secret minutes EU data retention meeting
EDRI-gram has obtained 2 secret documents about the draft framework decision on data retention that unveil the positions of individual Member States when it comes to the scope, cost, scale and length of retention. The first document, published on the EDRI website, is the uncensored version of the latest draft framework decision from 24 February […]
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No delay for EU biometric passports
The United States will not allow for any further delay in the introduction of biometric identifiers in passports of EU citizens travelling to the US. EU Justice Commissioner Frattini sent an urgent letter to the US Congress asking for a delay of 10 months in introducing biometrics in the passports of all EU citizens. In […]
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German court confirms ISP blocking order
E-zine Heise reports that the Administrative Court of Cologne on 31 March 2005 has once more approved of an order to force ISPs to block 2 neo-nazi websites hosted in the US. The order was issued by the district government of Nordrhein-Westfalen in 2002 and aimed at 80 different providers in the region. The providers […]
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Rapporteur EU parliament: more liability for ISPs
Rapporteur Marielle De Sarnez (French, Liberal) of the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education has released her opinion on the proposal of the European Commission to create a new Recommendation on the Protection of Minors and Human Dignity. The report deals with two issues; more liability for ISPs and the introduction of a legal […]
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First P2P prosecution case in Sweden
In Sweden, for the first time an individual internet user is prosecuted for file-sharing. A young man from Västerås has shared the film ‘Hip Hip Hora’ via the Internet and is theoretically facing a maximum of 2 years prison sentence. But the public prosecutor doesn’t have a lot of confidence in the case. “As these […]
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ISP self-regulation proposal entertainment industry
The MPA (Motion Picture Association) and the IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) are pushing for a new collaboration with internet service providers in Europe. The MPA has drafted a ‘possible ISP-Film Sector Voluntary Code of Conduct’, while the IFPI called for a similar code in relation to the music sector during a conference […]
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Bulgarian ISPs ordered to remove websites
On 24 March 2005 the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior issued a radical order to Bulgaria’s largest internet providers. Within 7 days the ISPs “must remove all free hosting servers which offer works, audio records, entertaining or business software, images, pictures, books, graphical logos, etc.” and notify the department. Remarkably, the order isn’t limited to […]
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Germany: meta search engine responsible for hyperlinks
A Berlin court has ruled on 22 February 2005 that a meta search engine has exactly the same legal responsibilities as a regular search engine to prevent users from accessing illegal content. A meta search engine doesn’t have any databases of itself that could contain possibly illegal content, but should be able to filter the […]
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