September 23, 2009

Macedonia: Activities for citizen education about their privacy rights

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Mazedonien: Veranstaltungen zur Weiterbildung der Bürger in Bezug auf ihre Rechte auf Privatsphäre |] Macedonian: [Македонија: „Слобода наместо страв“: едукација на граѓаните за нивните права |] Due to the low level of public awareness on privacy issues, the activities of the international action “Freedom Not Fear” […]

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October 9, 2019 · Blogs | On the ground | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Content regulation – what’s the (online) harm?

In recent years, the national legislators in EU Member States have been pushing for new laws to combat negative societal phenomena such as hateful or terrorist content online. These regulatory efforts have one common denominator: they shift the focus from conditional intermediary liability to holding intermediaries directly responsible for the dissemination of illegal content on their platforms.

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February 13, 2008

France's gendarmerie goes for open source software

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Gendarmerie, France’s largest administrative body, intends to change in the next years the operating system of 70 000 workstations presently running on Windows XP to Ubuntu. This is a movement that continues the French Government’s efforts to promote migration to open source for some years now. […]

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April 20, 2016 · Blogs

DFRI thrown out of conference on surveillance cameras

Every year about 200 representatives from the Swedish security industry meet to discuss security cameras. This year’s conference was particularly interesting. The Swedish government has appointed a commission to investigate possible changes in existing laws to make it easier to get permission to use surveillance cameras in public spaces, schools and workplaces. These cameras are […]

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July 13, 2011

Recommended Action: PNR Postcard Campaign

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Mitmachen: PNR-Postkartenaktion |] Write postcards during your holidays to the Members of the European Parliament and ask them to vote against the PNR-Agreements German version of the campaign (only in German, 6.07.2011)

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February 12, 2014 · Blogs

11 February 2014 – The Day We Fought Back Mass Surveillance

Yesterday, on 11 February 2014, digital rights organizations, civil-society groups, authors, and Internet users across six continents were protesting to demand an end to mass surveillance, in an event initiated and coordinated by EDRi member Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – USA. Over 6 000 websites committed to stand with the organizers in this global day […]

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September 23, 2009

Ambitious study published by Swedish EU Presidency

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Schwedische Präsidentschaft gibt ehrgeizige Studie heraus |] The Swedish Presidency of the EU has produced a study entitled “A Green Knowledge Society” that was made public in September 2009. The study aims to set the scene for the “tipping point in the transition to the knowledge economy” […]

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October 23, 2019 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

The sixth attempt to introduce mandatory SIM registration in Romania

A tragic failure by the police to save a teenage girl who was abducted but managed to call the 112 emergency number three times before she was murdered, led to the adoption of a new Emergency Ordinance in Romania. The law introduces several measures to improve the 112 system, one of which is mandatory SIM card registration for all prepaid users. Currently approximately ten million prepaid SIM cards are used in Romania.

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March 1, 2006

Survey on online media in Belarus

During 6 January – 6 February 2006, conducted a survey of Belarusian online media by selecting 10 very different websites of various types, as well as with different political attitudes. The selection was made on the basis of the average number of visitors per day. The analysis of the 10 selected online news resources […]

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February 26, 2014 · Blogs

Net neutrality in the European Parliament – what is happening?

After seven months of discussions, negotiations, lobbying and general confusion, the European Parliament’s Industry Committee was due to have a vote on Monday of this week on net neutrality. So… what happened? Well, nothing happened. Not exactly nothing… quite a long discussion in fact. There were just two items on the agenda, a vote on […]

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March 15, 2006

German Constitutional Court ruling on seizure of emails

On 2 March 2006, the German Constitutional Court has ruled that emails and mobile phone text messages that have already been transmitted and are still stored on the recipient’s device do not fall under the special constitutional protections for telecommunication privacy. The decision was made after a German judge had her computer seized by law […]

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March 14, 2007

French High Court cancels the creation of illegal migrants database

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) In a decision published on 13 March, the Conseil d’État, the French highest administrative court, cancelled the ministerial order (“Arrêté”) by which the Interior Ministry created the ELOI file, a database aimed at facilitating the expulsion of illegal migrants. On 2 October 2006, four French NGOs filed […]

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