July 14, 2010

Increased Internet censorship in Belarus

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zunehmende Internetzensur in Weißrussland | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2061] The Belarus government has adopted new measures increasing the control of the Internet and restrictions on online freedom of expression. Following Decree no.60 (On measures for improving use of the national Internet network) issued on 1 February 2010 by President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, […]

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January 29, 2014 · Blogs

Passwords lost for 16 million email accounts

The German Federal Office for Online Security (BSI) revealed on 21 January 2014 that, according to information from law enforcement agencies and research institutions, the passwords and usernames for emails of approx 16 million users (in majority Germans) had been compromised. The theft was revealed in an analysis of illegal botnets. BSI said the computer […]

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February 25, 2015 · Blogs

European Parliament failing to support copyright reform

Everyone is talking about EU copyright reform. However, in the European Parliament, everyone is having the same discussions on enforcement that they were having ten years ago – and talking about stopping any reform. The Draft Report “Towards a renewed consensus on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: An EU Action Plan” (2014/2151(INI)) presented by […]

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June 15, 2011

Germany: Police statistics prove data retention superfluous

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutschland: Kriminalstatistik entlarvt Vorratsdatenspeicherung als überflüssig | http://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.12_Deutschland_Kriminalstatistik_entlarvt_Vorratsdatenspeicherung_als_ueberfluessig?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20110623] The national crime statistics recently published by Germany’s Federal Crime Agency reveal that after the policy of blanket telecommunications data retention was discontinued in Germany due to a Constitutional Court ruling on 3 March 2010, registered crime continued to decline […]

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February 2, 2006

French anti-terrorism law not anti-constitutional

The French constitutional council judged on 19 January 2006, that the new national anti-terrorism law, submitted by the French Senators, was not anti-constitutional. The Senators were particularly concerned with two provisions of this law. The first one was the provision allowing the police to obtain communication data without any judicial order, in order to “prevent […]

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May 22, 2013 · Blogs

Russia ratifies CoE Convention 108 on data protection

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Russland ratifiziert die Datenschutz-Konvention 108 des Europarats | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.10_Russland_ratifiziert_die_Datenschutz-Konvention_108_des_Europarats?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130530] The Russian Federation strengthened its commitment to the protection of personal data by ratifying, on 15 May 2013, the Council of Europe (CoE) Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, also known […]

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May 2, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Big Brother Awards – tips and materials for organisers

In October 2018, we will celebrate 20th anniversary of the first Big Brother Awards (BBA) event in UK.

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January 31, 2007

Dutch DPA advises negatively on Dutch draft data retention

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has made a strong case against the Dutch draft law regarding the implementation of the data retention directive. In its advice of 22 January 2007 the DPA comes to the conclusion that the draft disregards the requirements of article 8 of […]

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January 31, 2007

Romanian Prosecutors want easy access to communication data

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A new normative act regarding the competence of the Prosecutors dealing with terrorism and organized crime adopted by the Romanian Government in the last days of 2006 created rumours among the press and civil society that accused the Ministry of Justice of breaching the citizens privacy. The […]

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July 14, 2010

ENDitorial: French biometric passport: case still pending after 2 years

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Beschwerde gegen französische Biometrie-Pässe nach 2 Jahren immer noch anhängig | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2067] It took more than two years after the complaint against the French biometric passport was filed to have the conclusions of the “public rapporteur” publicly presented at the Conseil d’Etat (French highest administrative Court), on […]

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June 28, 2011

CSISAC decision not to endorse draft OECD Internet Communiqué

Update: 29 June Press Release from CSISAC http://csisac.org/CSISAC_PR_06292011.pdf As a founding member and Steering Committee member of CSISAC (The Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD), European Digital Rights (EDRI) strongly supports CSISAC’s decision not to endorse the draft Communiqué currently under discussion by the OECD. EDRi was directly involved in the discussions […]

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January 30, 2008

Key privacy concerns in Czech Republik 2007

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Last year has seen an increased number attempts from government bodies to extend their powers and make it easier to access people’s private information. To name a few, there were legal proposals to increase the number of agencies authorized to access and process electronic communication data collected […]

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