August 27, 2008

Seminar on the Telecoms Package and Network Filtering

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The telecoms package seminar on the 27 August 2008 in the European Parliament arranged by Swedish MEP Christofer Fjellner had a remarkably large audience. Over 100 persons came to listen to the five speakers from both industry and civil society. Over all, the speakers called for better […]

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January 16, 2013 · Blogs

EU PNR directive gets funding before being adopted

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EU PNR-Richtlinie zur Fluggastüberwachung: Erst finanzieren, dann verabschieden |] The European Parliament (EP) Civil Liberties Committee is to vote, by the end of January 2013, on the controversial EU-Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive proposal introduced in February 2011 that has already been examined by the three EP […]

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July 15, 2004

National parliaments challenge Council on software patents

Since the beginning of July, the European Parliament had two weeks to group up fractions and build coalitions. A new pro-EU Centrist and Liberal group has emerged, which will be the third strongest in the European Parliament after the Conservatives and Social Democrats. Due to all the political power game, there was not much time […]

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August 30, 2006

Scrambling for Safety 8

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Scrambling for Safety 8 focused on the UK Home Office consultations over plans to give the police powers to require the production of decryption keys and of plaintext. The Home Office produced a draft code of practice on government access to “communications data” – phone numbers […]

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December 13, 2017 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

What happens to our data on rental cars?

On 6 December 2017, EDRi member Privacy International published research about data on connected cars. The report “Connected Cars: What Happens To Our Data On Rental Cars?” presents concerns about the way connected transportation facilitates the generation and collection of information about drivers in ways that most people are not able to understand, question, or […]

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October 21, 2015 · Blogs

FNF15: Privacy advocates’ summit in Brussels

Civil society has a big role in keeping governments on the right track. This is not only true at the national level, but also important with regard to policy-making in the EU. To enable civil society to do so, the annual Freedom not Fear (FNF) conference on 16-19 October in Brussels gathered participants from over […]

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January 30, 2013 · Blogs

Slovenia has a net neutrality law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Slowenien schreibt Netzneutralität per Gesetz vor |] On 20 December 2012, the Slovenian Parliament approved a legislative framework (the Economic Communications Bill) that includes net neutrality, confirming the open and neutral character of the Internet and forbidding the discrimination of Internet traffic on the basis of the […]

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September 24, 2008

House of the German Pirate Party spokesman raided by Police

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Bavarian Police searched the house of the German Pirate Party spokesman on the 11 September 2008, searching for information on some leaked plans regarding a Skype wire tap project, that were published by the Party. The Pirate Party published some documents received from an anonymous whistleblower […]

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March 9, 2011

Portuguese Government uses "honeypots" to deter copyright infringers

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Portugiesische Regierung nutzt “Honeypots” zur Abschreckung von Urheberrechtsverletzern |] In an attempt to scare alleged illegal downloaders, the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, through the General Inspection of Cultural Activities (IGAC), in collaboration with the Portuguese Phonographic Association (AFP), has decided to start using a so-called “honeypot”. “Honeypots” […]

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February 27, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

ICANN and GDPR – nowhere near compliance

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) Registration Data Team makes for difficult reading. This is because, though it contains a serious attempt at complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, it […]

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October 8, 2008

Social Networks – on the European Commission's Agenda

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media, gave her first public speech on social networks at the Safer Internet Forum on 26 September 2008, which confirms the interest of the EU bodies on this topic. The commissioner emphasized the growth of the social networks in Europe: […]

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February 15, 2012

EC "Roadmap" for review of the IPR Enforcement Directive

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Roadmap der Kommission für die Überprüfung der Urheberrechtsrichtlinie |] The European Commission recently published a “roadmap” to the review of the Directive on Intellectual Property Enforcement (2004/48/EC). As it is becoming traditional, the Commission neatly mixes up all kinds of infringements, from dangerous fake medicines to illegal […]

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