June 16, 2004 · Blogs

New members join EDRI

During the annual general assembly of EDRI-members on 12 June 2004 in Berlin, Germany, two new members were admitted, both from Germany. The Netzwerk Neue Medien (network new media) is a digital civil rights organisation that aims to strengthen and critically analyse the public debate about socio-political aspects of the new media. In February 2003 […]

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September 21, 2016 · Blogs

Joint Referral Platform: no proof of diligent approach to terrorism

On 28 April 2016, EDRi asked the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG Home) to release more information about a new initiative announced in April 2016, the Joint Referral Platform. What we knew already (or thought we knew) The existence of the Joint Referral Platform was disclosed on 20 April […]

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February 23, 2011 · Blogs

German law on Internet blocking challenged in Constitutional Court

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Internet-Sperr-Gesetz in Deutschland | http://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.4_Verfassungsbeschwerde_gegen_Internet-Sperr-Gesetz] On 22 February 2011 the German Working Group against Internet Blocking and Censorship (AK Zensur) submitted their complaint against the German law on Internet blocking to Germany’s Constitutional Court. The law is directed against online child abuse material and had come […]

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August 27, 2014 · Blogs

Canadian data broker tries to sell hacked online customer data

A Canadian man, Jason Ferguson, is currently under an ongoing investigation after he tried to resell hacked data of 650,000 customers of the Irish bookmaker, Paddy Power, for the price of 7,600 Euro (or a fraction over one cent per person). The hacked files, containing the names, email addresses, emails and birthdates were initially illegally […]

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August 30, 2006

OSS Watch Survey 2006

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) OSS Watch performed a survey during February and March 2006 on UK Higher Education and Further Education institutions with the purpose to get an image of the present situation of open source software (OSS) in the target group. A comparison was made with the previous similar report […]

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July 15, 2004

Italy and the Netherlands top wiretap chart

According to a report by the German Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Italy and the Netherlands are the wiretap champions of the Western world. The report entitled ‘Rechtswirklichkeit und Effizienz der Überwachung der Telekommunikation’ researches the legal and practical situation in Germany regarding police wiretapping. The report also investigates the situation […]

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February 24, 2010

Romania: Moral damages for publishing personal data online

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Rumänien: Schadensersatz aufgrund des Online-Veröffentlichens persönlicher Daten | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1729] A Romanian local court has decided to award 10 000 Euro as moral damages to a private person, after his full details were published on the website of the City Hall, including his HIV-related problems. In June 2008, Bucharest […]

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September 10, 2014 · Blogs

TTIP: where the Good Samaritan meets the Trojan Horse

The EU and US are currently negotiating a Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The US negotiator, the United States Trade Representative, is reported to be soliciting support for inclusion of provisions from Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) in TTIP and other trade agreements being negotiated by the US. So far so […]

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March 1, 2011 · Blogs

A blokkolásról szóló parlamenti kompromisszum összefoglalója

PDF Version: http://www.edri.org/files/compromise_hu.pdf Parliament text: http://www.edri.org/files/libe_vote.pdf TÁJÉKOZÓDÓ SZAVAZÁS AZ ANGELILLI JELENTÉSRŐL A blokkolásról szóló parlamenti kompromisszum összefoglalója Február 14-én az EP Állampolgári Jogi, Bel- és Igazságügyi Bizottsága (LIBE) egy kompromisszumos szöveget fogadott el válaszul az Európai Bizottság Internetes blokkolást célzó javaslatára (21. paragrafus, 13. bekezdés). Roberta Angelilli (EPP, Olaszország) előadó vezetésével a Parlament szavazott a […]

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March 1, 2011 · Blogs


PDF version: http://www.edri.org/files/compromise_en.pdf Parliament text: http://www.edri.org/files/libe_vote.pdf ORIENTATION VOTE ON ANGELILLI REPORT Summary of Parliament Compromise on Blocking On 14 February, the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) of the European Parliament adopted a compromise text in response to the European Commission’s proposal on Internet blocking (Article 21 and Recital 13). Under the leadership of rapporteur Roberta Angelilli […]

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January 18, 2012

Commission confirms illegality of Data Retention Directive

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Kommission bestätigt Widerrechtlichkeit der Vorratsdatenspeicherung | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_10.1_Kommission_bestaetigt_Widerrechtlichkeit_der_Vorratsdatenspeicherung?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20120127] The EDRi-member Quintessenz – Austria has published a leak of an internal paper from the Commission intended to inform DAPIX, the Council’s working party on information exchange and data protection, of the results of the Commission’s consultation in April 2011 on […]

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March 1, 2011 · Blogs


PDF version: http://www.edri.org/files/compromise_nl.pdf Parliament text: http://www.edri.org/files/libe_vote.pdf ORIËNTATIESTEMMING OVER HET ANGELILLI RAPORT Samenvatting van het EP compromis over het blokkeren van sites Op 14 februari heeft de Commissie Burgerlijke Vrijheden (LIBE) van het Europees Parlement een compromistekst aanvaard in reactie op een voorstel van de Europese Commissie wat betreft het blokkeren van het Internet (Artikel 21 […]

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