May 10, 2004

Recommended reading: privacy and biometrics

The OECD working party on information security and privacy have published a very informative but dry report about biometrics. The report analyses theory and practice of the following major biometric-based technologies: finger-scanning, hand geometry, facial recognition, iris scanning, retinal scanning, finger geometry, voice recognition and dynamic signature verification. A brief description of other, more obscure […]

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July 30, 2014 · Blogs

Poland: Wojciech Wiewiórowski will remain DPC for the second term

The current Polish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) will remain on his post for another, second term after the Polish Parliament confirmed his nomination on 25 July 2014. The decision did not come as a surprise: Wojciech Wiewiórowski was the only candidate for the post and hasan excellent background for the role. Just like during the […]

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July 30, 2008 · Blogs

Recommanded Reading

The Commission (DG markt) – Green Paper on Copyright in the Knowledge Economy. The Green Paper focuses on the role of copyright in fostering dissemination of knowledge for research, science and education. The Green Paper is intended as the starting point for a structured debate on the long-term future of copyright policy in these fields. […]

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November 15, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Data protection standards | Freedom of expression online

School of Rock(ing) Copyright 2017: (Re-)united to #fixcopyright!

In September and October 2017, EDRi, Communia and Wikimedia co-organised a series of copyright-related workshops: School of Rock(ing) Copyright. The goal of the workshops was to engage local activists, researchers and associations interested in copyright to create new spaces of action at the national and European Union (EU) level.

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January 28, 2019 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

noyb files eight strategic complaints on “right to access”

A test by EDRi member noyb, a European non-profit organisation for privacy enforcement, shows structural violations of most streaming services. In more than ten test cases noyb was able to identify violations of Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in many shapes and forms by companies like Amazon, Apple, DAZN, Spotify or […]

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January 9, 2013 · Blogs

Commission’s own internal review condemned CleanIT’s incoherence and cost

The CleanIT project has received a huge amount of criticism from outside of the EU institutions. But imagine if the Commission had been alerted to the incoherence of the planned project. Imagine if, before investing 325.796 Euro in CleanIT, the European Commission had been warned that the project lacked methodology and did not represent value […]

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September 9, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Platform regulation | Transparency

EDRi demands an open, safe and accountable internet – will you join us?

Today, 19th August 2020, European Digital Rights (EDRi) submitted its response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the Digital Services Act package. In addition, EDRi releases its official DSA Consultation Answering Guide designed to help other civil society organisations, collectives and citizens with an interest in upholding human rights to submit their own response to the European Commission.

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October 5, 2016 · Blogs

ENDitorial: It is possible that Netflix is legal in Ireland – or not

Perhaps it should come as a surprise that copyrighted data are protected in law more rigorously than personal data in Europe. In data protection law, there is a “legitimate interest” exception: if you are processing personal data because you have a “legitimate interest” in doing so, and if this does not undermine the rights of […]

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October 1, 2019 · Highlights | Information democracy | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Privacy and confidentiality

CJEU on cookies: ‘Consent or be tracked’ is not an option

European Digital Rights (EDRi) welcomes the CJEU's confirmation that under the current data protection framework, cookies can only be set if users have given consent that is valid under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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September 7, 2022 · Blogs | Highlights | Position papers | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Cross border access to data | Surveillance and data retention

New EU law amplifies risks of state over-reach and mass surveillance

The EDRi network published its position paper on the proposed Regulation on automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”). The European Commission’s Prüm II proposal fails to put in place vital safeguards designed to protect all of us from state overreach and authoritarian mass surveillance practices. In the worst case scenario, we may no longer be able to walk freely on our streets as the new law would treat large parts of the population as a criminal before proven otherwise.

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January 29, 2013 · Blogs


This is hopefully going to be our last report on the EU-funded Clean IT project. Since our last article, which was the trigger for quite some negative feedback in the international press, much has changed in the drafting documents of the project. On Wednesday 30 January, the participants meet for a final conference in Brussels […]

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November 4, 2015 · Blogs

Smart Borders package: Unproportionate & unnecessary data collection

“The proposal is fear-driven and fear-triggering at the same time, placing emphasis on a putative need to protect the EU from those coming from outside.” (Extract from EDRi’s response to the consultation) In an attempt to overcome the failed proposal from 2013 on the Smart Borders package, the European Commission launched a consultation to prepare […]

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