November 10, 2016 · Blogs

EU Copyright Directive – privatised censorship and filtering of free speech

The European Commission’s proposal on copyright attempts something very ambitious – two different measures that would restrict free speech, squeezed into a single article of a legislative proposal.

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November 10, 2016 · Blogs

We’re looking for policy interns!

EDRi is looking for an intern to support our advocacy team, located in Brussels. The internship will go from January to mid-July 2017, and is paid 750,- EUR per month. European Digital Rights (EDRi) is an international non-profit association of 31 digital civil rights organisations from across Europe. We defend and promote rights and freedoms […]

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March 1, 2019 · Highlights | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

The European Parliament’s deplorable lack of impartiality

As the political debate around the European copyright reform and its infamous upload filters enters the final round, the EU institutions commit yet another faux pas. On 27 February 2019, the European Parliament’s communications team published a number of tweets celebrating how amazing the copyright Directive proposal is that has been agreed during trilogues. The […]

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December 5, 2014 · Campaigns

Support your privacy and security online!

Support Your Digital Rights in Europe!

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March 15, 2019 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

All you need to know about copyright and EDRi

The last vote on the Copyright Directive’s final text is set to take place on 26 March. Ahead of this crucial vote in the European Parliament plenary, here is some background on EDRi’s priorities around this topic.

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December 9, 2015 · Blogs

Civil Liberties Committee preliminary vote on EU profiling of airline passengers

The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) will vote on Thursday 10 December to adopt the informal text agreed on the EU Directive on the use of of Passenger Name Records (EU PNR Directive). A second committee vote, followed by a vote of the European Parliament’s plenary are expected in […]

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December 14, 2015 · Blogs

EU Commission platforms consultation: Just how biased is it?

The EU’s consultation raises more questions than answers – we wonder why the real questions are not being asked:

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February 7, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Privacy and data protection | Freedom of expression online | Surveillance and data retention | Transparency

Smashing the law without breaking it: A Commission guide

How to create a general monitoring obligation without creating a general monitoring obligation? That is the question that the Commission has been trying to answer with the Article 13 of its “Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market”. It aims at solving the issue of a so-called “value gap”, that is […]

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February 7, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

Data protection – time for action

On 24 January 2018, the European Commission (EC) published a Communication on the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), entering into force on 25 May 2018: “Stronger protection, new opportunities”.

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December 14, 2016 · Blogs

Net neutrality violations ceased after AKVorrat intervention

On 5 October 2016, EDRi observer AKVorrat Austria filed a complaint with Austrian telecoms regulator RTR against mobile operator Hutchison Drei based on Drei’s violations of net neutrality principles. Now the operator has given in and stopped the offending practice. At the same time, Drei has more than quadrupled data volumes included in its data […]

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November 24, 2014 · Blogs

Draft Commission Work Programme 2015: huge challenges for digital rights

EDRi has obtained a copy of the draft Commission Work Programme 2015. For those who have followed the nomination hearings of the Commissioners, this draft programme does not contain any major surprises. However, it does show the huge number of proposals and initiatives that will have a direct impact on our fundamental rights and freedoms […]

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April 24, 2019 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Strategic litigation against civil rights violations in police laws

Almost every German state has expanded or is preparing to expand police powers. The police authorities are now more often allowed to interfere with civil rights, even before a specific danger has been identified. They are also given new means to conduct secret surveillance online. EDRi member Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF, Society for Civil Rights) […]

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