October 26, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Leak: Three EU countries join forces for restrictions & copyright chaos

Leaked documents concerning the Copyright Directive show that France, Spain and Portugal have joined forces in the Council of the European Union to attack the cornerstones of internet freedom in Europe. The documents show that the three countries propose elevating fighting copyright violations to a special status – above combating terrorism, child abuse and serious […]

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September 28, 2022 · Blogs | Campaigns | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics

Football fans are being targeted by biometric mass surveillance

Apart from its undemocratic nature, there are many reasons why biometric mass surveillance is problematic for human rights and footabll fans’ rights. 

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July 19, 2006

ISPs reaction to British Phonographic Industry action

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) accused the ISPs Tiscali and Cable&Wireless of harbouring filesharers and demanded the close up of 17 and 42 respectively.. BPI has already taken action against 139 uploaders, having settled in court 111 cases of them and considers its campaign against filesharers is […]

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September 15, 2015 · Blogs

More “right to be forgotten” confusion

In August 2015, the UK’s data protection Commissioner (the Information Commissioner) published a press release on implementation of the Google/Spain case that led to widespread confusion. Given that the story was about the de-linking of stories about stories that had been de-linked as a result of that case, maybe this is not entirely surprising! The […]

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July 18, 2007

Traffic data could be retained for one year in Spain

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Spanish Plenary Congress of Deputies approved on 21 June 2007 the draft law on the retention of traffic data requiring fixed and mobile telephony, but also ISPs to retain data for a period of one year and to make it available to law enforcement or secret […]

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February 11, 2009

House of Lords Constitution Committee report on surveillance and privacy

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The report Surveillance: Citizens and the State recently issued by the House of Lords Constitution Committee supports privacy and considers executive and legal limits must be imposed to surveillance and data collection. The report is a positive step in the promotion of individual freedom and liberty and […]

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February 10, 2010

Bits of Freedom starts campaign for data breach notification law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Bits of Freedom startet Kampagne für Benachrichtigungspflicht bei Datenschutzverletzungen | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1701] The Dutch digital rights organisation Bits of Freedom started a campaign for the introduction of a data breach notification law in The Netherlands. A data breach notification obligation on telecom providers is already to be implemented on […]

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January 29, 2021 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Alternatives to dominant digital services | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics

2021: Important consultations for your Digital Rights!

Public consultations are an opportunity to influence future legislation at an early stage, in the European Union and beyond. They are your opportunity to help shaping a brighter future for digital rights, such as your right to a private life, data protection, or your freedom of opinion and expression.

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September 23, 2015 · Blogs

State of play of internet freedom in the Netherlands

Dutch EDRi member Bits of Freedom is diligently watching a set of broad tendencies, such as the dominant positions of a handful of tech giants, the Internet of Things, and the idea that technology cannot be neutral. Bits of Freedom is also working hard to prevent the occurrence of a number of very real threats […]

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September 22, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Platform regulation

Big Tech platforms are hurting us. 50 organisations urge the EU to #FixAlgorithms

 The list of negative consequences of how dominant online platforms shape our experience online is neither short nor trivial. From exploiting users’ vulnerabilities, triggering psychological trauma, depriving people of job opportunities to pushing disturbing content to others, these are just some examples. While members of the European Parliament debate their position on the Digital Services Act (DSA), EDRi’s member Panoptykon Foundation (Poland), together with 49 civil society organisations from all over Europe, including EDRi, Amnesty International, Article 19, European Partnership for Democracy and Electronic Frontier Foundation, urge them to ensure protection from the harms caused by platforms’ algorithms.

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February 25, 2009

UK Government ignores the European Commission regarding Phorm

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Britische Regierung ignoriert bei Phorm die Europäische Kommission | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1310] This article is also available in: Macedonian: [Британската влада го игнорира предупредувањето на ЕК за Phorm | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1390/4/lang,mk/] On 12 February 2009, the European Commission warned it would take formal action against the UK Government for not providing […]

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January 18, 2012

EDRi supports protests against US blacklist legislation

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EDRi unterstützt die Proteste gegen US-Netzsperrengesetze | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_10.1_EDRi_unterstuetzt_Proteste_gegen_US-Netzsperrengesetze?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20120127] EDRi supports today’s black-out campaign against SOPA and PIPA and endorses the positions of the human rights international community in criticizing the two draft normative acts from US. Human rights community speaks out on PROTECT IP Act (16.01.2012) https://www.accessnow.org/policy-activism/press-blog/human-rights-community-speaks-out-on-protect-ip-act Human […]

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