June 20, 2007

French collective society sues P2P producers

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Under the cover of the DADVSI law with the so-called Vivendi amendment (initiated by Vivendi Universal) the French association SPPF (Société civile des producteurs de phonogramme en France – The French collective society for phonogram producers representing the independent labels) started a legal action against P2P software […]

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November 16, 2011

Will the new flawed EU-US PNR agreement be approved by the EP?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Wird das EU-Parlament dem katastrophalen PNR-Abkommen mit den USA zustimmen? | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.22_Wird_das_EU_Parlament_dem_katastrophalen_PNR_Abkommen_mit_den_USA_zustimmen?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20111116] In May 2011, the European Commission’s Legal Service said the EU-USA PNR agreement on the transfer of personal data of travellers flying from Europe to the US was not compatible with fundamental rights. Five months later […]

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June 18, 2014 · Blogs

Germany opens investigation on Merkel’s phone tap

Germany’s federal prosecutor annouced on 11 June 2014 that it has opened a formal investigation into the alleged monitoring of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone by the US’s National Security Agency (NSA). The German government has reportedly announced its support to the investigation. Although Chancellor Merkel has asked the US President Barack Obama in person […]

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August 12, 2015 · Blogs

Portugal: “Voluntary” agreement against copyright infringements

On 30 July 2015, copyright and related rights-holders associations, the General Inspection of Cultural Activities (IGAC), the Portuguese Consumer Directorate-General, the Portuguese Association of Telecom Operators, the organisation responsible for .pt domain registrations DNS.PT, the anti-“piracy” group MAPINET, advertising associations, and (unidentified) consumer associations agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at protecting copyright and […]

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February 12, 2020 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Equal access to the internet | Inclusive technologies | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

The human rights impacts of migration control technologies

This is the first blogpost of a series on our new project which brings to the forefront the lived experiences of people on the move as they are impacted by technologies of migration control. The project, led by our Mozilla Fellow Petra Molnar, highlights the need to regulate the opaque technological experimentation documented in and […]

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July 4, 2007 · Blogs

French Internet users are not properly informed on DRM

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The UFC- Que Choisir association has revealed the results of an online study performed in February 2007 regarding the use of DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems imposing third-party restrictions on the users of a reading device. The poll has shown that most French Internet users have not […]

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July 2, 2014 · Blogs

We are not accusing the German minister of interior of lying

On 30 June 2014, Germany’s Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière announced an initiative to help move forward the proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation. EDRi applauds this “initiative”, which comes after Germany has worked assiduously to stop progress in the Council. According to internal Council documents obtained by the Spiegel in December […]

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July 19, 2006

Dutch court rules for protecting file-sharers' identities

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) In a verdict on 13 July 2006, the court of appeals in Amsterdam upheld a lower court ruling about the question whether Internet service providers (ISPs) have an obligation to hand over a user’s identity when accused of illegal uploading by copyright holders. The lower court had […]

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July 18, 2007

BEUC expresses concern over DoubleClick acquisition by Google

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A joined letter regarding the proposed DoubleClick acquisition by Google was sent to the Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes by BEUC (the coalition of all consumers’ organisations in Europe) together with other consumer protection organizations from Germany, Italy and Spain. The letter says that “the proposed transaction may […]

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July 18, 2007

Traffic data could be retained for one year in Spain

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Spanish Plenary Congress of Deputies approved on 21 June 2007 the draft law on the retention of traffic data requiring fixed and mobile telephony, but also ISPs to retain data for a period of one year and to make it available to law enforcement or secret […]

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July 30, 2008

Hungarian Competition Office challenges the Microsoft deal

The public procurement procedure of 25 billion HUF (approx. 100 million euro) for the supply of “Microsoft or other equivalent solutions” was published in January 2008 in the Tenders Electronic Daily, Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU. After the successful closing of the procedure, three companies distributing open source software challenged the result. […]

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July 30, 2008

FRA has a long history of spying on Swedes

The Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment FRA that has made the headlines last month with its law on spying on all communication, has recently announced that it has reported a blogger to the Chancellor of Justice for distributing what they consider classified material proving the Agency was spying on Swedes starting with 1996. Henrik Alexandersson […]

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