May 7, 2008

All Italian tax payers' data made public online by the Italian Government

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) To the unpleasant surprise of many Italians, for a few hours on 30 April 2008, the Italian government, through its Agenzia delle Entrate, published on the agency website,, the financial information filed by all Italian taxpayers. Although operational only for a few hours, many people had […]

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May 9, 2007

RapidShare sues German rights holder association

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Rapidshare AG sued the German society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights (GEMA) in order to clarify the legal situation regarding free file hosting in Germany. The counter-attack from Rapidshare, a well-known free file hosting provider based in Switzerland, comes after the suit initiated in Germany […]

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May 7, 2008

Automatic face recognition in UK airports

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Starting this summer, the UK Border Agency will use facial recognition technology at automated unmanned gates. A machine would accept or reject the match between the scan and the computer information on people with biometric passports. The pilot project will be open to UK and EU citizens […]

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September 25, 2013 · Blogs

The Russian website blacklist shows its limits

Russia has operated since 2012 a national blacklist of sites that allegedly do not comply with the law. The website blacklist currently includes hundreds of websites, from those promoting drug taking and suicide to those offering child pornography, but also sites that infringe the anti-piracy law. All these websites are to be blocked at the ISP level. Moreover, the legislation […]

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August 1, 2017 · Blogs

Italy plans to extend telecoms data retention and increase censorship powers

On 19 July 2017, the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament approved two amendments to existing laws. One of the amendments aims at extending telecommunications data retention to six years, while the other gives Agcom, the communications regulator, powers to order takedown and blocking of online content without judicial oversight. Data retention in Italy […]

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November 17, 2010

EP and Article 29 WP opinions on PNR transfers to third countries

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EP und Artikel 29 Gruppe zur Übermittlung von Fluggastdaten an Drittstaaten |] As negotiations continue between EU and USA on the issue of air passenger data (PNR) transfer, so is the debate on the issue between the European Commission and the other EU bodies. The European Parliament […]

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June 7, 2006 · Blogs

Dutch Gamer in US intelligence spotlight

A Dutch gamer has become subject of US intelligence and widespread international media attention because of a self-made video-game movie. The video consists of footage of the game Battlefield 2 spiced up with different music and voiceovers. It was presented on 4 May 2006 at a meeting of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence […]

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June 6, 2007

Legislation banning "Hacking tools" in Germany

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The laws on computer crimes have become stricter in Germany where the creation, use or distribution of so-called “hacking tools” have been banned. On 23 May 2007, the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Bundestag (the lower chamber of Germany’s Federal Parliament) approved a controversial government bill […]

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June 4, 2008

Finish CSS decision overturned

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Helsinki Court of Appeal overturned the initial decision taken by the Helsinki District Court ruling that Content Scrambling System (CSS) used in DVD movies is “ineffective”. The decision of the Court of Appeal was taken a year after the first ruling concluded that “CSS protection can […]

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December 15, 2010

ECJ to discuss the case of eBay & trademark infringement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EuGH behandelt Rechtssache eBay & Markenschutz |] In the case introduced by L’Oreal against auction site eBay and referred by the High Court of Justice (England and Wales) to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) the Advocate General, Niilo Jaaskinen, published on 9 December 2010 its opinion […]

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October 24, 2012

Details on German State Trojan programme

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Details zum Deutschen Staatstrojaner |] Some documents spotted by the Annalist blog that were issued by the German Government in July 2012, within a parliamentary enquiry about expenditures by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, clearly show more details about what was revealed a year ago […]

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November 7, 2012

Increased Internet surveillance in Russia

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zunehmende Überwachung des Internets in Russland |] Several normative acts that have entered into force or are being prepared in Russia bring forth an increased state surveillance over the Internet and a blacklist of blocked websites and internet addresses. In spite of strong criticism, the Russian Duma […]

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