September 23, 2015 · Blogs

Two Danes arrested for publishing information about Popcorn Time

The Popcorn Time software has become a popular way of watching movies and TV shows online. The user is presented with an interface that has the look and feel of established streaming services, such as Netflix. In many cases, Popcorn Time is used to access content made available without the authorisation of the rights-holders, but stopping […]

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January 21, 2019 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

Copyright negotiations begin to derail

The negotiations on the EU’s highly controversial Copyright Directive proposal continue. The last trilogue meeting between Commission, Council and Parliament was originally scheduled for today, 21 January 2019. The event was, however, called off on late Friday evening 18 January by the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council. It has become increasingly clear that the manifest problems […]

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February 24, 2010

First decision in the Italian criminal case against Google executives

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Erstes Urteil im italienischen Strafverfahren gegen Google-Führungskräfte |] Today, 24 February 2010, the Court of Milan made public the decision in the criminal trial against four Google executives, charged of defamation and illegal personal data handling in relationship to the publication on the video sharing platform of […]

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June 8, 2022 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 8 June 2022

In this edition of the EDRi-gram, EDRi and over 70 civil society organisations and professional bodies urge the European Commission to withdraw the CSA Regulation and call for an alternative that is compatible with the European Union's fundamental rights. The European Commission needs to understand that playing with online privacy and security affects everyone, including the very children it is supposed to help. Join us in our efforts to protect encrypted communications, open internet spaces and online anonymity.

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April 17, 2024 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

The two sides of web scraping: When data collection becomes a double-edged sword

Emerging AI technology often relies on methods of data collection – such as web-scraping – which can become a double edged sword when not used with safeguards and transparency or in ways that are unlawful. These methods have been used to achieve several key victories for digital rights, but can also be exploitative.

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November 21, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

The Civil Liberties Committee rejects #censorshipmachine

On 20 November 2017, the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) voted against the mandatory implementation of “censorship machines” (aka upload filters) in its Opinion on the Copyright Directive proposal. After a long process and diligent hard work led by Polish Members of the European Parliment (MEP) Michal Boni […]

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February 23, 2011

The US pressures the EU to pass ACTA before the end of 2011

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [USA machen Druck: EU soll ACTA noch vor Jahresende beschließen |] The US government has expressed its eagerness to see ACTA passed by the European Parliament this year. The controversial treaty allows governments to “order an online service provider to disclose (…) information sufficient to identify a […]

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April 1, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection | Alternatives to dominant digital services | Equal access to the internet | Freedom of expression online | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

#PrivacyCamp20: Event Summary

The 8th edition of Privacy Camp revolved in 2020 around the topic of Technology and Activism, the schedule being composed of ten sessions in different formats. What were these about? Read below a summary of each discussion, with references to full session recordings.

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February 24, 2010

Spanish Fiscal Council criticizes the new draft law on IPR enforcement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Spanischer Finanzrat kritisiert neuen Gesetzesentwurf zur Durchsetzung des geistigen Eigentumsrechts |] In a non-binding report issued on 12 February 2010, the Spanish Fiscal Council criticised the draft law proposed by the Government known as the Sustainable Economy Law (la Ley de Economía Sostenible – LES) that foresees […]

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February 23, 2011 · Blogs

German law on Internet blocking challenged in Constitutional Court

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Internet-Sperr-Gesetz in Deutschland |] On 22 February 2011 the German Working Group against Internet Blocking and Censorship (AK Zensur) submitted their complaint against the German law on Internet blocking to Germany’s Constitutional Court. The law is directed against online child abuse material and had come […]

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October 6, 2015 · Blogs

Fifteen years late, Safe Harbor hits the rocks

Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirmed what the European Commission has been denying for the past fifteen years – the “Safe Harbor” agreement on transferring data to the United States is invalid. “Safe Harbor was flawed in principle and flawed in practice” said Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital […]

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November 29, 2017 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Dutch mass surveillance law receives two BBA nominations

Until 9 November 2017 people in the Netherlands could nominate individuals, organisations and companies for a Big Brother Award. The three most “popular” nominees are now in the running to become the biggest privacy offender of the year. Two of the three nominees, Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) parliamentary party leader Sybrand Buma and the Cabinet, […]

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