March 11, 2009 · Blogs

Biometric passports law – upheld by the Romanian authorities

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Gesetz zu biometrischen Pässen – von den Rumänischen Behörden bestätigt |] Macedonian: [Законот за биометриски пасоши поддржан од романските власти |,mk/] The Emergency Government Ordinance introducing biometric passports in Romania remains applicable as the Legal Commission of the Senate advised it favourably on 3 March 2009 […]

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March 10, 2010

German Federal Constitutional Court rejects data retention law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsches Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Vorratsdatenspeicherungsgesetz zurück |] The German Federal Constitutional Court rejected on 2 March 2010 the legislation requiring electronic communications traffic data retention for a period of 6 months. The legislation on data retention, implementing the similar EU Directive, was passed by the Bundestag on 9 […]

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January 18, 2012 · Blogs

Finnish ISP started blocking The Pirate Bay

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Finnischer ISP sperrt The Pirate Bay |] On 9 January 2012, the Helsinki Enforcement authority obligated Finnish ISP Elisa to execute the court ruling that it had to block access to The Pirate Bay from its network. This is the latest phase in an ongoing legal fight […]

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January 16, 2013 · Blogs

State German DPA threatens to fine Facebook for opposing anonymity

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ULD geht gegen Facebook vor |] Germany’s ULD (Data Protection Authority – DPA in the German state Schleswig-Holstein) issued in December 2012 orders threatening Facebook Inc. USA and Facebook Ltd. Ireland with a 20 000 Euro fine for their refusal to accept anonymous user accounts. Thilo Weichert, […]

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October 21, 2015 · Blogs

EP Committee adopts short-sighted anti-”radicalisation” report

On 19 October 2015, after months of discussion, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) adopted an extremely incoherent and short-sighted anti-“radicalisation” report. The text is very-wide ranging, covering everything from prisons and schools to the Internet. Regarding the measures related to the Internet, there is a complete lack of […]

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February 13, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

EDPB confirms: Privacy Shield is still a shame

On 22 January 2019, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted a Report on the Second Annual Review of the EU-US Privacy Shield. The Privacy Shield is a framework arrangement between the United States and the European Union to enable the transmission of personal data from the territory of the EU to the US. It […]

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March 11, 2009 · Blogs

UK Tribunal wants the Gateway reviews on ID scheme made public

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Britisches Tribunal plant Veröffentlichung der Gateway-Revision des ID-Modells |] On 19 February, the UK tribunal ordered the disclosure of two internal reviews called the Gateway reviews regarding the national identity card scheme of the government. The Gateway reviews are independent and expert reviews carried out at key […]

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January 16, 2013 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Questions on the draft Directive on Cybersecurity Strategy

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Fragen zum Entwurf für eine Strategie und eine Richtlinie zur Cybersicherheit |] A draft of the already announced EU Directive on Cybersecurity Strategy that is circulation in Brussels seems to be totally misguided, in EDRi’s opinion. The Commission seeks to put ENISA at the heart of […]

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September 10, 2020 · On the ground | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation | Surveillance and data retention | Transparency

First Analysis of the Austrian Anti-Hate Speech Law (NetDG/KoPlG)

On September 3rd the Austrian government released a legislative package to tackle online hate speech. Besides a comprehensive justice reform, the package also contains a bill that creates new obligations for online platforms to remove illegal user-generated content. This article offers a first analysis of the so called Kommunikationsplattformen-Gesetz (KoPl-G) and the many similarities it has to the German Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG).

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March 10, 2010

PNR agreements with US and Australia on the European Parliament's Agenda

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EP: Passagierdatenabkommen mit den USA und Australien auf der Tagesordnung |] The European Parliament (EP) has discussed last week the PNR (Passenger Name Records) agreements with the US and Australia. MEP Sophie In’t Veld (ALDE, Netherlands) explained that the Parliament has traditionally been more opposed to PNR […]

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October 19, 2016 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Commissioner defends nuclear attack on internet freedom

The European Commission launched its proposal for a Copyright Directive in September 2016. The legislation includes new rules on filtering of uploads to the internet, text and data mining and the so-called “link tax”.

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October 28, 2015 · Blogs

Fundamental Rights are Fundamental

Statement of Leading Digital Rights and Consumer NGOs 37th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners Amsterdam, The Netherlands We join together this week in Amsterdam, celebrating the success of Max Schrems in the case before the European Court of Justice concerning Safe Harbor. NGO leaders around the world have expressed support for Max’s […]

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