September 22, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Data protection standards | Platform regulation | Privacy and confidentiality

Human rights focus missing in the State of the Union 2021 address

On 15 September, the yearly State of the Union 2021 address took place. The address is the event where the European Commission evaluates the preceding year and the Commission President announces key legislation or reactions to crucial international events.

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April 22, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality

Internal documents revealed the worst for private communications in the EU; how will the Commissioners respond?

EDRi, Europe's biggest network for rights and freedoms across Europe and beyond, urge the European Commission to not put forward a CSAM proposal that would undermine the CJEU prohibition of general monitoring or subject Europeans to monitoring that would turn their devices into spyware.

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January 6, 2017 · Blogs

Chaos Communication Congress 2016

The 33rd annual four-day hacker conference Chaos Communication Congress, organised by EDRi member Chaos Computer Club, took place on 27-30 December 2016. The congress offered lectures, workshops and other events on various topics related to information technology and its effects on the society. These issues are now more pressing than ever, so in case you […]

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July 14, 2010

Blocking of innocent websites by O2 Ireland

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [O2 Ireland sperrt harmlose Webseiten |] The Irish mobile operator O2 has acknowledged accidentally blocking the image hosting website IMGUR through its system for blocking alleged child abuse material. There appears to have been no indication that there was, in fact, any illegal material hosted on that […]

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July 2, 2014 · Blogs

Irish High Court refers the Facebook/PRISM case to the CJEU

On 18 June 2014 Ireland’s High Court referred the request to investigate Facebook’s international headquarters in Ireland over its involvement in the PRISM scandal to the European Court of Justice (CJEU). CJEU was asked to review the case and to clarify whether the social network’s actions are compatible with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. […]

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May 18, 2011

Google found guilty in Belgium for newspapers' copyright infringement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Belgien: Google verliert Klage wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung |] Google lost its appeal in front of the Belgian appeals court which upheld an earlier ruling, having found the company guilty of infringing the copyright of newspapers, in the case introduced in 2006 by Copiepresse. In 2006, Copiepress, an agency […]

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EDRi values all contributions received in line with its guidelines on ethical funding and relies on foundations grants, individual and corporate donations and membership fees to develop and fulfill its mission.

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June 28, 2011

CSISAC decision not to endorse draft OECD Internet Communiqué

Update: 29 June Press Release from CSISAC As a founding member and Steering Committee member of CSISAC (The Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD), European Digital Rights (EDRI) strongly supports CSISAC’s decision not to endorse the draft Communiqué currently under discussion by the OECD. EDRi was directly involved in the discussions […]

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May 18, 2016 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Next year, you’ll complain about the Terrorism Directive

The European Union is currently in the process of adopting a Directive on terrorism. The Directive is expected to be finalised later this year and then each Member State government will decide what it means, and will adopt national laws to put it into practice. The European Commission wrote the draft Directive in two weeks, […]

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October 6, 2015 · Blogs

EU Commission: IT companies to fix “terrorist use of the Internet”

In August 2015, the European Commission confirmed to EDRi that it’s preparing to partner with US online companies to set up an “EU Internet Forum” which apparently includes discussing the monitoring and censorship of communications in Europe. Participants of this Forum include Facebook, Google/YouTube,, Microsoft and Twitter. The first meeting was held on 24 […]

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September 14, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Police plans for the “future of travel” are for “a future with even more surveillance”

Plans hatched by Europol and Frontex to develop a “European System for Traveller Screening” that would require massive data processing and automated profiling have been condemned as ushering in “a future with even more surveillance” by German left MEP Cornelia Ernst, who told Statewatch that “the daily lives of millions of people” should not be shaped by “agencies that long ceased to be controllable by the public and the parliament.”

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June 6, 2012

French Court considers YouTube non liable for the content

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreich: YouTube haftet nicht für Inhalte |] On 29 May 2012, in a case brought to court by TF1 against Google for its YouTube service, the High Court of Paris ruled that YouTube was just a hosting service and therefore not bound to police the content posted […]

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