June 22, 2016 · Blogs

Zero rating: Why it is dangerous for our rights and freedoms

Net neutrality is the principle that all the internet traffic is treated equally, without blocking or slowing down certain data. Net neutrality is crucial for fair competition between online services, for innovation, and for freedom of expression online. The European Parliament has adopted a Regulation that includes provisions on net neutrality. Currently, the BEREC (the […]

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October 19, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Disinformation and electoral interference | Freedom of expression online | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Privacy and confidentiality | Transparency

Civil society calls for evidence-based solutions to disinformation

Human and digital rights organisations Access Now, Civil Liberties Union for Europe and European Digital Rights (EDRi) published a joint report on 18 October 2018 evaluating the European Commission’s online disinformation and propaganda initiatives.

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July 2, 2014 · Blogs

Poland: Secret services escape citizens’ control

Poland celebrated its 25 years of democracy recently. In those two and a half decades, among other changes, most public institutions in Poland have got more or less used to citizens’ control. It has taken years of advocacy and watchdog activity, as well as a number of court cases to decide whether a given piece […]

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November 24, 2014 · Blogs

Price discrimination – the Commission’s plan B to undermine net neutrality?

The European Commission is energetically defending the “right” of telecoms operators to use price discrimination, arguing that this is not a breach of net neutrality. In price discrimination, the telecoms company establishes itself as a monopoly “gatekeeper” of access to its own customers. In other words, big online companies like Google and Facebook can pay […]

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November 27, 2014 · Blogs

European Parliament fights back hard on net neutrality

After EDRi published a leaked draft by the Italian EU Presidency to weaken proposals on net neutrality, the European Parliament has hit back with a strongly-worded resolution (see paragraphs 8 and 14). The final version will be linked here when available). The resolution was adopted with 458 in favour and 173 against. The resolution re-asserts […]

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April 4, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Modern Poland Foundation: protecting access to culture and knowledge

In this blogpost published on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of EDRi we present our member Modern Poland Foundation.

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April 23, 2018 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Equal access to the internet

Civil society urges Portuguese telecom regulator to uphold net neutrality

On 23 April 2018, 13 civil society organisations submitted a complaint to the Portuguese regulator on one of the most extreme net neutrality violations in Europe, urging them to use their authority to prohibit so-called zero-rating offers.

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January 20, 2014 · Blogs

Infographic: European Parliament votes on net neutrality

This week, three European Parliament committees will hold votes on the future of the open and neutral internet. You can make your voice heard by contacting your elected representatives before the votes and find more information on our campaign portal SaveTheInternet.eu. The CULT committee voted on 21 January The JURI committee voted on 21 January […]

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January 13, 2010

An Irish law for a DNA Database

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Irisches Gesetz für eine DNA-Datenbank | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1649] The Irish Government has announced that it will publish legislation this week to set up a national DNA database. The Bill follows a 2005 Report of the Law Reform Commission on Establishment of a DNA Database but was delayed by the […]

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August 25, 2010

Romanian Government wants to issue Electronic ID cards

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Rumänische Regierung plant elektronische ID-Karten | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2127] The Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Administration (MAI) submitted for public consultation, in the middle of August 2010, a new draft Ordinance for issuing mandatory electronic ID cards for Romanians starting with 1 January 2011. Even though the decision […]

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October 11, 2006

Open Letter against the revision of the Swiss copyright law

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) At the end of September 2006, a new initiative, called kunstfreiheit.ch (freedom of art) was launched in Switzerland. It is basically an open letter to the Swiss Minister of Justice and the Swiss parliamentarians calling attention to the fact that the reform/expansion of copyright, which is currently […]

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October 25, 2006

EU-US PNR agreement formally adopted by the EU Council

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 16 October, the EU Council formally adopted a decision to sign an interim agreement with the United States on continuing the transfer of passenger name record (PNR) data by air carriers to the US Administration. The interim agreement will replace the Agreement signed in May 2004, […]

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