April 10, 2013 · Blogs

Privacy campaign materials

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Materialien zur Datenschutz-Kampagne | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.7_Materialien_zur_Datenschutz-Kampagne?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130410] There are countless half-truths and misconceptions spreading about the proposed data protection reform. EDRi has therefore decided to produce a broad range of materials about the most worrying problems. The mythbusting series seeks to correct the many myths surrounding this legislative reform. The […]

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May 22, 2019 · On the ground | Information democracy | Disinformation and electoral interference

Facebook lies to Dutch Parliament about election manipulation

On 15 May 2019, Facebook’s Head of Public Policy for the Netherlands spoke at a round table in the House of Representatives about data and democracy. The Facebook employee reassured members of parliament that Facebook has implemented measures to prevent election manipulation. He stated: “You can now only advertise political messages in a country, if […]

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April 10, 2013 · Blogs

Licences for Europe: Request to broaden the discussions

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Licences for Europe: Die Diskussion muss breiter werden | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.7_Licences_for_Europe_Die_Diskussion_muss_breiter_werden?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130410] In December 2012, the European Commission announced a stakeholder dialogue to discuss innovative solution to improve cross-border access to online content. The stated aim of the initiative was to work with stakeholders on modernising copyright while the Commission […]

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April 10, 2013 · Blogs

Self-regulation: Irish police database – “some sort of social media”

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Selbstregulierung: Irische Polizeidatenbank – quasi ein “soziales Netzwerk” | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.7_Selbstregulierung_Irische_Polizeidatenbank_quasi_ein_soziales_Netzwerk?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130410] Alan Shatter, the Irish Minister of Justice, has demanded an end to the abuse of the PULSE police database. In a sharply worded speech to the Association of Garda [Irish police] Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) conference, he said […]

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December 5, 2005

Urgency procedure for draft French anti-terrorism law

The French government has decided to apply the urgency procedure to a new anti-terrorism draft law, with only one reading by each Chamber. The draft law was already passed by the National Assembly (French Lower House) on 29 November 2005 and will be examined by the French Senate in late December or early January 2006. […]

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May 18, 2011

UK police has bought surveillance software to track online movements

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Britische Polizei schafft Software zur Überwachung des Onlineverkehrs an | http://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.10_GB_Software_zur_Ueberwachung_des_Onlineverkehrs] Civil liberties groups have shown great concern about the UK Metropolitan police force’s possible use of Geotime surveillance software that can map nearly every move in the digital world of “suspect” individuals. The Geotime security programme, that […]

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April 25, 2012

Thousands of Austrians standing up against data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Tausende Österreicher wehren sich gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_10.8_Tausende_Oesterreicher_wehren_sich_gegen_die_Vorratsdatenspeicherung?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20120507] Two parallel initiatives by the Austrian AK Vorrat (working group data retention) are impressively supported by the general public. On the one hand, the citizens initiative for the abolishment of the EU data retention directive and the evaluation of […]

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June 16, 2010

Turkey extends the censorship of YouTube

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Türkei weitet Zensur von YouTube aus | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2000] Macedonian: [Турција ја проширува цензурата на YouTube | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/turcija-ja-proshiruva-cenzurata-na-youtube.html] So far, Turkey does not seem to be impressed by the criticism against its censorship policy regarding Internet content and blocking of websites. On 4 June 2010, the High Council for […]

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June 16, 2010

Copyright and cultural diversity

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Urheberrecht und kulturelle Vielfalt | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2003] The conclusions of a study commissioned by the Culture and Education Committee (CULT), summarising the state of implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (ratified by the European Community in 2007) has been […]

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May 8, 2013 · Blogs

Danish phone company kept call records for more than 10 years

According to a series of articles in the Danish edition of Computerworld on 6 May 2013, a Danish mobile phone provider has kept telephone call records since the company started its operations in 2000. The company, Telmore, currently has about 700 000 subscribers and a 10% market share in Denmark. Since 2004, Telmore has been […]

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January 16, 2008

New data protection rules asked by UK MPs

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Justice Committee of the UK House of Commons issued on 3 January 2008 a report on public data protection summarising the status and development of the topic, especially since the November 2007 Chancellor’s announcement to the Parliament related to the loss of confidential data records of […]

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January 16, 2008

ELOI – a French database to manage the expulsion of illegal migrants

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 26 December 2007, the French government published a decree creating the ELOI file, a database aimed at facilitating the expulsion of illegal migrants. In March 2007, the French highest administrative court cancelled a first attempt by the government to create this file, after 4 French NGOs, […]

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