March 26, 2019 · Press releases | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

Press Release: Censorship machine takes over EU’s internet

Today, on 26 March, the European Parliament voted in favour of adopting controversial upload filters (Article 13/17) as part of the copyright Directive. This vote comes after what was an intense campaign for human rights activists, with millions of signatures, calls, tweets and emails from concerned individuals, as well as Europe-wide protests. Despite the mobilisation, […]

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September 23, 2015 · Blogs

Two Danes arrested for publishing information about Popcorn Time

The Popcorn Time software has become a popular way of watching movies and TV shows online. The user is presented with an interface that has the look and feel of established streaming services, such as Netflix. In many cases, Popcorn Time is used to access content made available without the authorisation of the rights-holders, but stopping […]

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July 20, 2016 · Blogs

Copyfail #9: Digital Rights Management (DRM): Restricting lending and borrowing books and music in digital format

This article is the ninth in the series presenting Copyfails. The EU is reforming its copyright rules. We want to introduce you to the main failures of the current copyright system, with suggestions on how to fix them. You can find all the Copyfails here. How has it failed? We are able to lend book […]

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September 6, 2017 · Blogs

Winter is here

This autumn announces itself much colder and threatening for our rights and freedoms than we thought: The e-Privacy Regulation and copyright reform are the two main pieces of EU legislation that will keep the digital rights defenders of EDRi’s Brussels office busy. We will also continue our work on implementation of the General Data Protection […]

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February 21, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation

General monitoring of communications to block “undesirable” content

Increasingly, demands are made that “something be done” about “undesirable” and “harmful” material on the internet: online child abuse images and other criminal pornography, “extremism”, “incitement to violence”, “hate speech”, – and more recently, “fake news”. Organisations representing holders of intellectual property (IP) rights similarly demand that measures be taken to prevent the sharing of […]

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June 20, 2018 · Press releases | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Press release: MEPs ignore expert advice and vote for mass internet censorship

In a vote today, 20 June 2018, the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted for  a Copyright Directive, which includes measures to monitor and filter virtually all uploads to the internet.

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June 28, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Action plan against the first obligatory EU internet filter

Many feared (and some hoped) that the European Parliament’s JURI Committee vote on the 20th of June would be the end of our campaign, as well as the end of the open internet. Not so fast, the censorship machine is not a done deal!

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February 20, 2019 · Blogs | Campaigns | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

Upload filters: history and next steps

The proposal for a new copyright Directive was originally aimed at modernising the copyright framework. However, it has fallen short of the initial expectations. Instead, the current proposal for the Directive text forces the implementation of upload filters and brings only minor improvements in other areas. In effect, the proposal could lead to unlawful restrictions […]

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March 7, 2019 · Blogs | Campaigns | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

Join us in the European Parliament to #SaveYourInternet!

After more than 3 years of debates, the decisive moment to ensure that upload filters are not imposed in the European Union (EU) has arrived. In the following weeks (date to be confirmed), the European Parliament (EP) will be voting on the copyright Directive. In its current form, article 13 of the copyright Directive would […]

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June 7, 2006

Private copy system under scrutiny

The issue of the private copy remuneration system is becoming a subject of debate for interest groups from all over the world. L’AEPO-ARTIS grouping 27 associations of artists of Europe, the International Federation of Musicians and the International Federation of Actors took a stand in the support of the present private copy levy system. According […]

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June 16, 2010

Possible solutions for remunerating content creators in the digital era

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Urheberrecht im digitalen Zeitalter |] On 8 June 2010, Green Party Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) hosted the conference Financing Culture in the Digital Era on how to balance easy public access to culture with guaranteed remuneration for content providers. The purpose of the meeting was […]

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October 20, 2010

ENDitorial: Irish court rejects music industry demands for three strikes

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Irisches Gericht lehnt Antrag der Musikindustrie auf Three-Strikes-Regime ab |] On 11 October 2010, Mr. Justice Peter Charleton of the Irish High Court gave judgment in EMI and Others v. UPC , rejecting music industry claims that broadband provider UPC was responsible under Irish law for […]

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