October 5, 2016 · Blogs

Social media as censors of public sphere: YouTube vs. Ombudsman

In early September 2016, a popular Norwegian writer got suspended from Facebook, on account of “child nudity”. The matter escalated into an international incident, involving Norway’s largest printed newspaper and the country’s prime minister. Finally the writer’s Facebook status was restored, the suspension was ended, and Facebook promised to do better.

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October 24, 2016 · Blogs

Privacy Camp 2017: Call for submissions

Join us for the 5th annual Privacy Camp! Held every January just before the start of the CPDP conference, the camp brings together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss existing and looming problems for human rights in the digital environment. As every year, the event is co-organised by EDRi, Privacy Salon, USL-B and VUB-LSTS. […]

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November 10, 2016 · Blogs

We’re looking for policy interns!

EDRi is looking for an intern to support our advocacy team, located in Brussels. The internship will go from January to mid-July 2017, and is paid 750,- EUR per month. European Digital Rights (EDRi) is an international non-profit association of 31 digital civil rights organisations from across Europe. We defend and promote rights and freedoms […]

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November 28, 2016 · Blogs

European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA

Today, on 28 November 2016, European Digital Rights (EDRi) co-signed a statement together with over 450 civil society organisations. In the statement, civil society from both Europe and Canada express concerns about the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and therefore call for its rejection. CETA should be renegotiated, but for that to happen, there […]

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January 6, 2017 · Blogs

Chaos Communication Congress 2016

The 33rd annual four-day hacker conference Chaos Communication Congress, organised by EDRi member Chaos Computer Club, took place on 27-30 December 2016. The congress offered lectures, workshops and other events on various topics related to information technology and its effects on the society. These issues are now more pressing than ever, so in case you […]

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January 25, 2017 · Blogs

#PrivacyCamp17: Controlling data, controlling machines

Accountability, transparency and profiling were the buzzwords of the fifth annual Privacy Camp, which took place on 24 January in Brussels. The camp, this year entitled “Controlling data, controlling machines: dangers and solutions”, brought together civil society, policy-makers and academia to discuss the problems for human rights in the digital environment. The event is organised […]

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March 22, 2017 · Blogs

Switzerland: Blocking of gambling sites – gambling with human rights

On 1 March 2017, the Swiss National Council debated the proposal to regulate online gambling, and approved it. The consequences of the law go beyond gambling regulations, since they amount to censorship, blocking of content, and restricting the free and open internet.

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March 23, 2017 · Blogs

EDRi @RightsCon 2017 – You cannot miss us!

EDRi member Access Now is bringing the sixth edition of RightsCon, the world’s leading digital rights event, to Brussels. We are happy to announce that EDRi’s presence at the conference will be particularly strong this year – our members will be organising a record number of sessions, and our team will participate in an impressive […]

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April 5, 2017 · Blogs

What to do with the online platforms – the academics point of view

The rise of “platform economy” with rapid growth of online intermediary platforms, such as Airbnb, Uber, Amazon Marketplace, and also dating, gaming and other services is bringing new challenges not only for existing business models, but also for European legislation. In a meeting of Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee Working Group on the […]

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April 5, 2017 · Blogs

Reckless social media law threatens freedom of expression in Germany

At the end of March 2017, with Federal elections on the horizon, the German Justice Minister Heiko Maas proposed a law on ill-defined “social networks”. Minister Maas has proposed the law which places a variety of obligations on the companies, in the apparent hope that this will lead profit-motivated companies to take over private censorship […]

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October 25, 2017 · Blogs

Join us at the 34C3 network assembly!

The 34th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) will take place in Leipzig on 27-30 December 2017. This year, we will organise an assembly together with our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Privacy International, epicenter.works, Digitale Gesellschaft Switzerland, Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF), Fitug, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF), Hermes Center, Vrijschrift and […]

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December 13, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

MEPs demand balanced approach to dealing with illegal online content

On 5 December 2017, a group of 31 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) sent a letter to the European Commission demanding action on illegal content online. The letter was initiated by Dutch Liberal MEP Marietje Schaake, and its signatories are from across the political spectrum.

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