February 24, 2010

First decision in the Italian criminal case against Google executives

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Erstes Urteil im italienischen Strafverfahren gegen Google-Führungskräfte | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1721] Today, 24 February 2010, the Court of Milan made public the decision in the criminal trial against four Google executives, charged of defamation and illegal personal data handling in relationship to the publication on the video sharing platform of […]

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February 24, 2010

France's Parliament pursues its goal to censor the Internet

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreichs Parlament verfolgt weiterhin sein Ziel das Internet zu zensurieren | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1722] On 16 February, the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament, passed the first draft of the so-called Loppsi 2 bill allowing the authorities to control the Internet under the pretext of improving the […]

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February 24, 2010

Germany's President signs an Internet bill against his own government

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutschlands Bundespräsident unterzeichnet Internetgesetz gegen seine eigene Regierung | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1723] Despite the fact that the German Government had decided not to apply the internet censorship law (Zugangserschwerungsgesetz) proposed by the former Government in April 2009, the new bill was signed on 17 February 2010 by German President Horst […]

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February 24, 2010

Spanish Fiscal Council criticizes the new draft law on IPR enforcement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Spanischer Finanzrat kritisiert neuen Gesetzesentwurf zur Durchsetzung des geistigen Eigentumsrechts | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1724] In a non-binding report issued on 12 February 2010, the Spanish Fiscal Council criticised the draft law proposed by the Government known as the Sustainable Economy Law (la Ley de Economía Sostenible – LES) that foresees […]

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February 24, 2010 · Blogs

French Court says an IP address is not enough for a user's identification

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Französisches Gericht: IP-Adressen reichen für die Identifikation eines Users nicht aus| http://www.unwatched.org/node/1726] The Paris Appeal Court has recently ruled that an IP address does not allow the identification of an Internet user and therefore needs no prior authorization from CNIL (National Commission for Information Technologies and Civil Liberties) […]

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February 24, 2010

Chip and PIN system proven to be flawed

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Chip- und PIN-System bewiesenermaßen fehlerhaft | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1727] According to a research performed by a group of experts from the Computer Laboratory, of Cambridge University, the Chip and PIN system is flawed, allowing criminals to use stolen credit and debit cards, without knowing the correct PIN. The thieves can […]

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February 24, 2010

New Google's service raises privacy concerns

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neuer Google-Dienst erweckt Datenschutzbedenken | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1728] The new networking service issued by Google company called Google Buzz has met criticism and confusion from its users who complained that a list of people they frequently email or chat with has appeared on their profile. The problem occurred due to […]

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February 24, 2010

Romania: Moral damages for publishing personal data online

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Rumänien: Schadensersatz aufgrund des Online-Veröffentlichens persönlicher Daten | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1729] A Romanian local court has decided to award 10 000 Euro as moral damages to a private person, after his full details were published on the website of the City Hall, including his HIV-related problems. In June 2008, Bucharest […]

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February 24, 2010

Germany DPAs to discuss the EU-US Safe Harbour Agreement

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsche Datenschutzbehörden debattieren über das Safe Harbour-Abkommen | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1730] The German data protection authorities want to have a meeting on the EU-US data protection Safe Harbour agreement and to agree on a resolution on this matter. Heise reports that some of the German Lander Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) […]

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February 24, 2010

ENDitorial: Richard Stallman on "Copyright versus Public" in Berne

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Richard Stallmann in Bern über „Urheberrecht vs. Öffentlichkeit“ | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1731] On 11 February 2010 the auditorium at the University of Berne was packed for a talk by Richard Stallman on copyright issues. Stallman is better known as the founder of the GNU free software system which, together […]

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March 10, 2010

German Federal Constitutional Court rejects data retention law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsches Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Vorratsdatenspeicherungsgesetz zurück | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1754] The German Federal Constitutional Court rejected on 2 March 2010 the legislation requiring electronic communications traffic data retention for a period of 6 months. The legislation on data retention, implementing the similar EU Directive, was passed by the Bundestag on 9 […]

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March 10, 2010

EDRi sends open letter to EU Commissioners to oppose Internet blocking

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EDRi sendet offenen Brief an die EU-Kommission und lehnt Internetblockaden ab | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1755] EDRi’s letter was sent to Commissioners Cecilia Malmström (Home Affairs), Viviane Reding (Justice and Fundamental Rights) and Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda). The letter congratulates the Commissioners for their nominations and approval in their new portfolios. […]

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