September 11, 2013 · Blogs

EDRi and FREE want an end to lawless surveillance

Civil society groups European Digital Rights (EDRi) and the Fundamental Rights European Experts Group (FREE) have demanded an end to lawless spying on individuals around the globe. At a meeting with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee today, the two groups handed over a document containing detailed analysis of the current European […]

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November 16, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

New Europol rules massively expand police powers and reduce rights protections

The new rules governing Europol, which came into force at the end of June, massively expand the tasks and powers of the EU’s policing agency whilst reducing external scrutiny of its data processing operations and rights protections for individuals.

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September 21, 2012 · Blogs

Clean IT – Leak shows plans for large-scale, undemocratic surveillance of all communications

This article is also available in German: [CleanIT – Pläne zur Überwachung des Internets im großen Stil] A leaked document from the CleanIT project shows just how far internal discussions in that initiative have drifted away from its publicly stated aims, as well as the most fundamental legal rules that underpin European democracy and the […]

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September 26, 2012

Facebook gives up its face recognition feature in EU

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Facebook gibt Gesichtserkennungsfunktion in Europa auf |] Following pressure from Data Protection offices in EU, Facebook has decided to give up the controversial face recognition feature in EU. The feature used by Facebook was taking information given by users when tagging friends’ faces in photo, with the […]

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July 26, 2017 · Blogs

Oversight Board report: Illegal surveillance of Danish citizens

The annual report from the Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) was published on 7 July 2017. Under Danish law, TET is tasked with overseeing the data collection and data processing practices of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) and the Danish Defence and Intelligence Service (DDIS). Both intelligence services operate mostly outside European Union […]

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December 18, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

The many faces of facial recognition in the EU

In this second installment of EDRi's facial recognition and fundamental rights series, we look at how different EU Member States, institutions and other countries worldwide are responding to the use of this tech in public spaces.

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May 10, 2006

Passports with biometrics for Romanians

Starting with 1 January 2007, passports containing electronic chips will be put into circulation for the Romanian citizens. The passports will include a storage system (probably RFID) for personal data, including a facial image and digital fingerprints. The present passports will preserve their validity and they will be replaced at the request of the citizens. […]

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November 17, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

AI Regulation: The EU should not give in to the surveillance industry

Although it claims to protect our liberties, the recent European Commission’s legislative proposal on artificial intelligence (AI) promotes the accelerated development of all aspects of AI, in particular for security purposes.

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April 15, 2024 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Digital sustainability | Surveillance and data retention

Locating climate justice in digital rights work at the EU level

A new study commissioned by EDRi acknowledges the complexities and environmental impacts of technological solutions, emphasising the need to bridge climate justice and digital rights. This is particularly relevant as the European Union views sustainability and digitalisation as twin and interconnected pillars.

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September 11, 2013 · Blogs

LIBE inquiry on surveillance

On 5 September 2013, the Civil Liberties (LIBE) committee from the European Parliament organised a first inquiry hearing, which included Jacques Follorou from Le Monde, Jacob Applebaum from the Tor and Wikileaks projects, Alan Rusbridger, editor in chief of the Guardian, Carlos Coelho, EPP MEP and former chairman of the Echelon committee and Gerhard Schmid, former socialist MEP and rapporteur […]

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December 18, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Casual attitude in intelligence sharing is troubling

A recent report by Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service CTIVD shows that the Dutch secret services regularly violate the law when sharing intelligence with foreign services. For the sake of privacy and freedom of communication, it is crucial that data sharing safeguards are both tightened and more strictly enforced.

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May 7, 2008

All Italian tax payers' data made public online by the Italian Government

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) To the unpleasant surprise of many Italians, for a few hours on 30 April 2008, the Italian government, through its Agenzia delle Entrate, published on the agency website,, the financial information filed by all Italian taxpayers. Although operational only for a few hours, many people had […]

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