September 14, 2022 · Blogs | Campaigns | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

European Parliament calls loud and clear for a ban on biometric mass surveillance in AI Act

After our timely advocacy actions with over 70 organisations, the amendments to the IMCO - LIBE Committee Report for the Artificial Intelligence Act clearly state the need for a ban on Remote Biometric Identification. In fact, 24 individual MEPs representing 158 MEPs, demand a complete ban on biometric mass surveillance practices. Now we need to keep up the pressure at European and national levels to ensure that when the AI Act is officially passed, likely in 2023 or 2024, it bans biometric mass surveillance.

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April 25, 2023 · Blogs | Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

As AI Act vote nears, the EU needs to draw a red line on racist surveillance

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, commonly known as the AI Act, is the first of its kind. Not only will it be a landmark as the first binding legislation on AI in the world – it is also one of the first tech-focused laws to meaningfully address how technologies perpetuate structural racism.

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November 3, 2005

Citizens' Summit on the Information Society

A broad coalition of human rights organisations has announced they will organise a Citizens’ Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, from 16 to 18 November 2005, to coincide with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Citizens groups, civil society organisations, national, regional and international institutions, government delegations and all other interested parties […]

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November 8, 2006

UK DNA Database under scrutiny

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) United Kingdom has today the largest DNA database in the world, with over 3,5 million DNA samples. These days the Nuffield Council on Bioethics announced starting a public consultation about the new legislation regarding the storage of the DNA samples. The DNA database was initiated in 1996 […]

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November 5, 2008

First PrivacyOS Conference: different privacy approaches in synergy

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The first Open Space conference of the PrivacyOS project was held in Strasbourg on 13-15 October 2008, in the European Parliament premises. PrivacyOS is a project funded under the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme, started on 1 June 2008 for a total duration of 24 months. […]

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September 11, 2020 · Press mentions | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

Technology has codified structural racism – will the EU tackle racist tech?

The EU is preparing its ‘Action Plan’ to address structural racism in Europe. With digital high on the EU’s legislative agenda, it’s time we tackle racism perpetuated by technology, writes Sarah Chander.

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February 16, 2023 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Is the EU protecting people from Pegasus spyware?

Spyware is an extremely invasive surveillance tool and a global threat to human rights and democracy. Since the initial Pegasus Project revelations, we’ve learned that governments and private actors in over 46 countries worldwide, including EU member states, have used invasive spyware to target and silence journalists, human rights defenders, political opponents, and dissidents.

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March 5, 2012

The plans to bring ACTA back to life

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch Cet article en français Introduction Following the initial discussions in the European Parliament and the overwhelmingly negative workshop that was held on 1 March, ACTA is close to dead in Europe. What are the strategies for bringing it back to life and how will this impact on other similar initiatives? How […]

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November 3, 2005

European Data Protection Supervisor newsletter

The European Data Protection Supervisor has started an e-mail newsletter to inform a general public about his activities such as opinions, policy papers and publications. The October newsletter contains brief information and links to the EDPS’s involvement in PNR and the Visa Information System. The newsletter also mentions a policy paper on the conflict between […]

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November 8, 2006

Privacy Commissioners act together

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) At the 28th annual Conference of Data Protection and Information Commissioners held on 2-3 November in London, privacy commissioners from ten countries adopted common policies related to the international issue of increased citizen surveillance. The document adopted by the commissioners, titled “Communicating Data Protection and Making It […]

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October 24, 2007

Update on DNA and biometrics in French immigration law

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) With its final vote on 23 October 2007, the French Parliament confirmed the introduction of DNA testing in the new immigration law to prove family links for foreign candidates applying for a more than 3 months visa on family regrouping grounds. The only recourse could now be […]

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April 24, 2019 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Strategic litigation against civil rights violations in police laws

Almost every German state has expanded or is preparing to expand police powers. The police authorities are now more often allowed to interfere with civil rights, even before a specific danger has been identified. They are also given new means to conduct secret surveillance online. EDRi member Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF, Society for Civil Rights) […]

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