April 6, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

Criminal complaint against illegal export of surveillance software is making an impact: the FinFisher group of companies ceases business operations after its accounts are seized by Public Prosecutor’s Office

Following a criminal complaint filed by the Society for Civil Rights (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V.), Reporters without Borders (RSF), the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and netzpolitik.org over illegal exports of surveillance software, the Munich-based corporate group FinFisher has ceased its business operations. The Public Prosecutor’s Office Munich announced that it had seized the company’s accounts, after which FinFisher GmbH and two partner companies filed for insolvency.

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December 20, 2021 · Blogs | Highlights | Publications | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation

Informing the Disinfo Debate: A Policy Guide for Protecting Human Rights

 Today, 20 December 2021, EDRi, Access Now and Civil Liberties Union for Europe publish a joint report as a continuation of its 2018 predecessor, Informing the “Disinformation” Debate. The main outcome of this report is a set of policy recommendations addressed to the EU co-legislators focusing on: how to effectively mitigate fundamental rights risks that result from the manipulative methods deployed by large online platforms that exploit people’s vulnerabilities and their sensitive data; and how to combat disinformation in a manner that is fully compliant with fundamental rights standards.

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March 31, 2022 · Blogs | Open letters | Open internet and inclusive technology | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation

France must not betray European citizens on the DSA at the 11th hour

As civil society, we welcomed Minister Cedric O’s commitment on Friday to prohibit targeted advertising to minors as well as the use of sensitive data for ad targeting in the DSA. Now the French Council Presidency must follow through and protect citizens, 35 NGOs write in an open letter.

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July 14, 2010

Increased Internet censorship in Belarus

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zunehmende Internetzensur in Weißrussland | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2061] The Belarus government has adopted new measures increasing the control of the Internet and restrictions on online freedom of expression. Following Decree no.60 (On measures for improving use of the national Internet network) issued on 1 February 2010 by President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, […]

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August 26, 2009

The Pirate Bay – public enemy number one

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [The Pirate Bay – Staatsfeind Nummer 1 | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1495] The Pirate Bay (TBP) seems to be the website in the limelight these days, after the music industry decided to attack it with every legal possibility and in any country they can, with actions in Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland […]

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July 14, 2010

The Digital Economy Act brought to court by two UK ISPs

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zwei britische ISPs bringen Digital Economy Act vor Gericht | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2062] The two big UK ISPs, BT and TalkTalk, have asked the High Court to carry out a judicial review of the most controversial aspects of the Digital Economy Act, in order to establish whether it is in […]

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August 26, 2009

Italian DNA database: The devil is in the details

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Italienische DNA-Datenbank: der Teufel steckt im Detail | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1496] On 30 June 2009, the Italian Parliament finally passed Law No. 85 that ratifies the Prum Convention and forms the legal ground for the creation of an Italian National DNA Database (NDNAD). Although this law might have benefited from […]

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July 14, 2010

Belgium ISPs are not obliged to block The Pirate Bay

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Belgische ISPs müssen The Pirate Bay nicht sperren | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2063] Two Belgian ISPs have won their court battle against an anti-piracy group which had demanded that they block the access to The Pirate Bay. On 9 July 2010, the Antwerp Commercial Court rejected the blocking demands made by […]

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August 26, 2009

People convicted in UK for refusing to surrender cryptographic keys

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Verurteilungen in Großbritannien für die Weigerung, Entschlüsselungen herauszugeben | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1497] According to the Annual Report of the Chief Surveillance Commissioner Sir Christopher Rose to the UK Prime Minister and Scottish Ministers, people were sentenced between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2009 for not having given their passwords […]

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July 14, 2010

Blocking of innocent websites by O2 Ireland

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [O2 Ireland sperrt harmlose Webseiten | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2064] The Irish mobile operator O2 has acknowledged accidentally blocking the image hosting website IMGUR through its system for blocking alleged child abuse material. There appears to have been no indication that there was, in fact, any illegal material hosted on that […]

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August 26, 2009

Google's Street View contested in France and Switzerland

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Googles Street View in Frankreich und der Schweiz angefochten | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1498] After being criticised and contested in several countries in Europe, such as UK, Germany and Greece and even outside Europe like in Japan, it is the turn of France and Switzerland to complain against Google’s service Street […]

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July 14, 2010

Facebook faces serious fines in Germany

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Auf Facebook warten in Deutschland hohe Geldstrafen | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2065] The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information John Caspar has launched legal proceedings against the operator of the social network Facebook for illegally accessing and saving personal data of people who don’t use the respective social […]

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