browsing history
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Hakuna Metadata – Let’s have some fun with Sid’s browsing history!
But I am not interesting enough for someone to bother to look into my browsing history. The most common argument for people not to be more wary of the threats to their online privacy is that, simply, no one cares. Or at least not enough. But still, don’t we all like to delete our browsing […]
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Hakuna Metadata – Exploring the browsing history
Metadata is data about data. In an e-mail, the data is the content of the e-mail and metadata is the information about the e-mail. So, it covers information like who is it from or who sent it, the date and time, the subject, network information etc. When we are browsing the internet, data is represented […]
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What does your browsing history say about you?
An average internet user visits dozens of websites and hundreds of web pages every day, most of which are kept in the history of our internet browsers. But what if someone took this massive database of visited web pages and cross-referenced them? A joint collaboration of Tactical Tech and SHARE Lab researchers focused on discovering […]
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