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New Romanian cybersecurity law in force despite heavy criticism
The Constitutional Court of Romania declared the new cybersecurity law constitutional despite criticism from civil society about the repercussions for investigative journalists,security companies, and for regular citizens.
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EDRi delivers paper on encryption workarounds and human rights
On 12 September, EDRi published the position paper “Encryption Workarounds: a digital rights perspective”. It was published in response to the European Commission’s expert consultation exercise around the Encryption Workarounds paper by Orin Kerr and Bruce Schneier.
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Dutch digital investigation: Pushing the boundaries of legality
The Dutch court is currently considering the case against Naoufal F, in which the police made use of several advanced digital investigation methods that challenge the boundaries of the law. A key issue in the case is the way in which the police gained access to and analysed the secure communication of suspects. Inez Weski, […]
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2016: Important consultations for digital rights
Last update: 2 November 2016. Like every year, EDRi aims at engaging civil society, our readers and supporters to respond to public consultations launched by EU institutions and bodies, as well as international organisations. Public consultations are unique opportunities to influence policy-making at an early stage. In this blogpost, you can find all the public […]
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Our overview of the Digital Single Market Communication
This article was originally published on the website of Friends of Europe EDRi has published its analysis of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Communication (PDF). The European Commission’s launch of its Digital Single Market Strategy is undoubtedly a positive step, but is plagued with ambiguities, contradictions and an overall lack of leadership on key […]
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Bad analogies and the threat to “cybersecurity”
In policy discussions about the online world a general pattern repeats: The online sphere is differentiated from its offline equivalent by adding the prefix “cyber”, giving it both immediacy and generating a fear of the unknown “cyberworld”. Then, in order to explain “cyberspace”, practitioners draw analogies between cyber and non-cyber, often being blissfully unaware of, […]
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Romanian cybersecurity law sent to the Constitutional Court
A new law on cybersecurity, previously reported in the EDRi-gram, was adopted by the Romanian Parliament at the end of 2014. The law gives the Romanian Intelligence Agency (SRI) access to any computer data owned by private companies, without a court order. The proposal was tacitly adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on 17 September. […]
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