Executive Director
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Welcoming our new Executive Director Claire Fernandez!
EDRi is happy to announce that we found a new Executive Director! Claire Fernandez will join the organisation on 19 November 2018, and will be in charge of the leadership, mission and strategy of the organisation, its financial sustainability and oversight, and the daily management of the operations.
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EDRi’s leadership transition: Back to the future…
Challenges to digital rights will not decrease – on the contrary, the speed with which technology is integrating into every part of our lives is making it increasingly difficult to ensure that rights and freedoms are respected from the outset.
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EDRi’s leadership transition: Looking back at our victories
EDRi is not one person. EDRi is not one office. EDRi is 39 organisations, mostly volunteer-run. EDRi is sweat and stress, frustration and success. Most of all, EDRi is 15 years of successes made possible by an immensely passionate network. And this network is now looking for a new Executive Director.
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