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Report on our fundraising campaign
Thanks to everyone who contributed during our fundraising campaign to support us. It brought in 27 271 Euro from 336 donors in 22 countries. It has been our second and most successful campaign. Here are a few statistics: Total amount raised: 27 271 EUR Number of donations: 336 Number of fundraising days: 66 Donations from […]
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Final push for our crowdsourcing campaign
European Digital Rights’ existence is at stake. Our main funding projects all end in 2015. In December 2014, we launched a campaign asking help to ensure we can continue our work to transform Europe into a free and open society, where your civil rights and freedoms are reliably guaranteed. Now, the last days of the […]
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European Digital Rights needs your support!
Dear friends and followers, dear EDRi-gram readers, Your digital rights are what drives our work and our enthusiasm. You are why we do what we do. The decisions made in Brussels in the coming months and years – on data protection, data retention, privatised law enforcement, net neutrality, encryption, trade deals – will shape our […]
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